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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Mirror Shield

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 4.20.04

Average Rating: 3.0

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

emdman It’s alright. I use it in my Weapons deck to boost the Intelligence a little. The effect could come in handy.

I’d give it a 2.5/5. It might prove useful, but I think there are better weapons out there. I’m just too lazy to find out what they are. =p
Noah Mirror Shield
Equiptment | Armour
Strength 1| Agility - | Magic - | Intelegence 3 |
"To play tap one of you neopets,
Before you roll for a contest this neopet or hero is in, if your opponent played an item card and you didnt, you get the same effect from his or her Item card as she does.

We're back from our long absence, sorry about that..

Now to the reviewing.

This is a very interesting card. 3 intelegence isnt too bad and the effect is great. If you play it in a strength contest and they activate an item you get the same effect, two things for one.
Now to my favorite part, the Pros and Cons

3 intelegence
Its two for one effect

low strength stats

I give it an overall rating of :

3/5 - it is lacking a little. But overall ballanced, use it in a book/intelegence deck and it will do wonders for you.



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