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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

Aisha Myriad

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 2.2.04

Average Rating: 2.70

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Paul Hagan  *AISHA MYRIAD*
I almost put this card in as having a rating of 3.5 or higher...but then I began to think about it in more detail.

You have to overturn items, which I would guess make up 40% to 60% of the average players deck. So, just to make things simple, lets say 50% of your deck is items. That means, of the four cards revealed, you'll get maybe two items. Of said items, you need a good bonus in the arena that you're dueling in. Depending on how your deck is set up, that could be a fair-sized longshot.

With all of this stacked against you, I'm going to rate this card at 1.5, with a possibility of being 2.5 if your deck uses a ton of items that are good (+2 or better) in at least three of your stats.
Shooter Aisha Myriad
Item – Myriad – Light
Str -; Agi -; Mag -; Int -
Bank – 3

To play this in a contest, you need a Light Neopet. When you play this card in a contest, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. You get the stat bonuses and contest effects of all Items there. (They get discarded at the end of the contest.) Put all of the other cards on the bottom of your deck.

This certainly is one of the more interesting items, in my opinion. It seems like a really good idea, since it can cause you to be able to in effect play 4 item cards in one contest. However, it could also end up wasting your item for the contest, since you could end up with the top four cards not being items at all.

There are definite pros and cons to this card. One good thing is that the cards not used (as in the non-Item cards) get put on the bottom of the Deck and not discarded. However, that can also be a bad thing, since now the cards are in the worst possibly place if you need one (for say a combo). The fact that it only requires a Light Neopet is good, since light neopets are pretty common and have many cards that they can use. It has a decent bank, in case you don’t want to use its ability as an item, you can at least have a decent bank.

Unless you’re really playing like a book deck where you have better odds at knowing what’s coming up and can get back discarded items, or you’re playing like 90% of your deck as items, this probably isn’t that great of a card. And this card is absolute death if you try to use it in a combo deck (unless this is part of the combo…somehow).

Rating: 2 out of 5
Aisha Myriad
To play this card in a contest, you need a light neopet.
When you play this card in a contest, reveal the top four cards of your deck.You get the bonouses and contest effects off all the items there.( They getdiscarded at the end of the contest.) Put all other cards at the bottom off your deck.
  This a good card when you means of getting lots of items on the top off your deck. The major downside is that if you have any good cards at the top of your deck they go to the bottom of it.
  I'd give this card 4out of five as it can get rid of some of your best cards.

Aisha Myriad

Item | Myriad | Light

Strength 0 | Agility 0 | Magic 0 | Intelligence 0 | Bank 3

To play this in a contest, you need a Light Neopet.  When you play this card in a contest, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck.  You get the stat bonuses and contest effects of all Items there.  (They get discarded at the end of the contest.)  Put all of the other cards on the bottom of your deck.

1/234  Foil


This item is somewhat popular now, mostly in decks that recycle items using Scroll of Recall and Kauvara's Potion.  The only problem with this strategy is that you're pretty likely to either deck yourself or suffer from most of your items drawn from Aisha Myriad only being +0 or +1.  The reason, of course, is that almost all cards with a bank value of 4 have some pretty crappy stat boosts.  But don't worry, there is an answer.  That answer is Neggs.  Using Neggs, Scrolls, Kauveras, and Aisha Myriad would be an interested deck, once you manage to get your myriad machine working.  Quick bank decks would be your worst enemy.




I can't say I'd use this card in a tournament deck, but it can be quite a bit of fun otherwise, and has some collector value.  I'll go with a 3.3 of 5



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