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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

Travelling Library

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 2.25.04

Average Rating: 2.15

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

My goodness, this card can be absolutely *SICK* in a Book deck. Obviously, if you're playing a lot of Books, you play this card. As far as I've seen (and I could be mistaken), this card is the best drawing card in the game. It can single-handedly turn your game from "Lose-In-A-Turn" to "Win-This-Turn". That said, the card does have the drawback of being usable in one type of deck: Light using a lot of Books. Since I can't decide how to reflect this in my ratings, I'll go with the cop-out method.

Rating In Most Decks: 2.0
Rating In Light Deck with a Lot of Books: 5.0

Traveling Library

Something Has Happened | Light

To play this, tap 1 of your Light Neopets.  Draw a card for each book you have in your bank.

90/234  Rare


Some people look at this card as being really good, others don't think it belongs in any deck whatsoever.  I lean a little more towards the latter group.


Obviously, this card would only be useful in a book deck.  The draw power this card offers is pretty decent.  I've seen people with 6-8 books in their bank.  On the other hand, at that point the game is almost over anyway, usually with their opponent winning.  This card requires a tap.  But, if you're in desperate need of a draw, it may be better than risking a battle, and you'll probably get more than one card anyway.  Watch out for water with their Nothing Has Happened.  If you're going to use this card, consider using Korbat Researcher and Grimoire of Thade.  You can get Light by using a Shepherd or Faerie Dust, among others.


Book decks are, for the most part, way too slow for the current competitive environment.  Yes, it's better to bank 1 or 2 points and draw a card than just draw, but it's also better to simply bank 4 and get the game over with.




This card simply isn't very helpful in a tournament environment.  If you're just playing casual decks to have fun though, playing a book deck with this might be right up your alley.  I'll go with a 2.3 of 5.



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