Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Neopets site |
Poogle Racer Base Set
Date Reviewed: 2.06.04
Average Rating: 4.20
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Paul Hagan |
I seriously cannot find a way that this card is bad.
If you are playing Poogles, play this card. Unless
your opponent has blocked up an arena with a
Villain, then he always nets you a win. "Oh no, your
guy in the Agility Arena has a 19 Agility. My guy
isn't that good! Oh well, he'll just shoot over to
Magic, where there *aren't* any Neopets and get me a
win." I don't have a Poogle deck built, but this guy
makes me want to build one.
Rating: 4.25, only because of slightly weak stats. |
Deke |
Poogle Racer
Neopet | Experienced Poogle |
Strength 8 | Agility 12 |
Magic 4 | Intelligence 6
As long as the Neopet is
untapped, you may move it
without tapping.
72/234 Rare
My favorite card ;)
Wow. To say this card is good
is an understatement. The 12 in
agility alone isn't all that
bad. The effect, however, takes
this card over the edge. It
allows you to move anywhere
without the cost of tapping.
This can mean you get to move to
an open arena for a free
contest, or move to an arena
where another pet needs a little
help dominating the
competition. That alone is
power enough, but when you start
to combine it with other
effects, things just get nasty:
1) Slorg Trails
2) Jhudora's Storm
3) Quiggle Runner
4) Healing Potion
5) Sceptre of Banishing (bye-bye
6) Copier v2.0
7) Turdle
8) Nightstone
9) Armoury of Kass
etc... etc...
As you can imagine, such a
versatile card is found in many
different decks and used in many
different ways. Pretty much the
only way to beat a good Poogle
Racer deck is to get your banks
in quickly before the combos
develop. One of the Neopets
staff used an early version of
this deck to win the first
Neopets Staff Tournament. You
can see it here:
Poogle Racer does have it's
downsides, just not many. If
not properly equipped, Villains
can really slow it down. If you
always use the effect to go
after open arenas, you're
probably leaving some arenas
open for your opponent too. If
you don't draw a Racer quickly
or don't draw enough support
cards, your opponent could
outbank you before you have a
chance to get started. Almost
any well-placed Experienced
Neopet can beat Poogle Racer in
a 1-on-1 battle. In the end
though, this card is a skilled
players best friend.
By far one of the best cards in
the game. Very versatile, opens
up lots of options, and has very
few drawbacks. If you like
playing with strategy, you'll
agree with my 4.8 of 5.
neomaniac |
Poogle racer
neopet/experianced neopet/water
strength 8 , agility 12 , magic 4 , intellegence 6
As long as this neopet is untapped, you may move it
without tapping it.
This card is good in strength and agility so its
ability comes in useful for defending arena's. The
downside is that it has to be untapped, so if it
attack's you can't move it so ithas one major
Shooter |
Poogle Racer
Experienced Poogle – Water
Str 8; Agi 12; Mag 4; Int 6;
As long as the Neopet is untapped, you may move it
without tapping.
There are a couple of ways you can look at this guy.
One way is seeing him just as he is, an Experienced
Poogle with a 12 for agility, and an 8 for strength
(both pretty par values for an experience neopet).
Basically, if you wanted to use him alone, without
taking real advantage of his ability, then you’ll
probably going to play him in the Agility arena, or
maybe in the Strength arena if you have good decent
chance of winning with an 8. This would make him an
about average Experienced Neopet, but he is
definitely much more than that.
With his fantastic ability, there are a number of
things you can use him for. You can see him how I
first saw him, as a reusable item. If you think
about it, you can move him to an arena in which you
need a stat boost for the Neopet already there (and
in any arena he provides a decent stat boost) and
then start a contest with both of them, effectively
increasing the stats for the contest. Then next
turn, you can do the exact same thing in another
arena. And then the next turn, you can do it again,
and the next turn again, and again, and again, and
He can also be used in a slightly trickier and more
cunning way. Let’s say, you opponent has set it up
so he is pretty much guaranteed to win in an arena
(and let’s say it’s in the Magic Arena, that way the
Racer alone won’t give you the edge). You can first
move the Poogle Racer to the arena, and then tap him
to play an equipment (or any other card that
requires tapping that could help you) on your Racer
(or any other neopet really). This strategy takes a
little more thought and setting up, but it will be
sure to irritate and baffle your opponent, now that
they can’t rampage to victory.
The only major downsides I see to this card are the
fact that it is an experienced neopet, so it takes
some work to get out, and it’s a poogle, and as we
all know (see the Blue Poogle review), the poogles
aren’t always the best to have around.
Overall Rating: 4.25 out of 5 |
Noah |
Poogle Racer
Neopet| Experienced Poogle | Water
Strength 8| Agility 12| Magic 4| Intelegence 6
"As long as this neopet is untapped you may move it
with out tapping"
This is a good semi-stable card for agility and
water decks. I like the effect too. Its a little too
weak in magic contests but lets check out the pros
and cons of this card
Good 12 agility for an Experienced Poogle
Moving it w/o untapping
playable in strength arena
playable in strength arena
4 magic ( this card would do horriable if it was
placed in a magic arena. Its almost like saying
"just bank a card")
This is a somewhat decent experience neopet. I would
not use him because i am more of a magic and
strength arena guy. But it wouldn't hurt to have in
your deck if you just happened to play someone who
plays a steady agility deck.
Score: 3.5/5 -He would be better if he had better
magic stats. If you want a experienced neopet with
more agility try meerca spy from the new BFM set. He
has more magic and intelegence but lacks in strenth
with 4 points.
~noah~ |