Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Neopets site |
Nothing Has
Happened Base Set
Date Reviewed: 2.09.04
Average Rating: 3.96
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Paul Hagan |
I say, "Pant Devil Attacks -- I'll make you discard
an item."
You say, "Nope, Nothing Has Happened."
I say, "Fumble -- your guy is a weakling again."
You say, "Nope, Nothing Has Happened."
I say, "Library Visit -- make my hand bigger."
You say, "Nope, Nothing Has Happened."
I say, "This card is one of the best in the game."
You say, "Yes, Paul, I agree."
I say, "Rating: 4.5, the only way it could be better
is if everyone could play it."
You say, "That would be sick." |
emdman |
Nothing Has
Happened is a pretty interesting card. It’s
basically the Neopets equivalent to Counterspell in
Magic: The Gathering, or Magic Jammer/Spell Shield
Type-8 in Yu-Gi-Oh. And like all TCG’s, a counter is
always pretty good IMO. The only downside is that it
only negates SHH cards and nothing else, but some of
the most powerful cards in this game are SHH cards,
like Slorg Trails, Giant Snowball, or Pant Devil
I’d give this card a 4/5. Something to ruin your
opponent’s plan is always good, especially if it
means not having to tap anything to use it. |
Deke |
Nothing Has Happened
Something Has Happened | Water
To play this, you need a Water Neopet. Play
this card when your opponent plays a Something
Has Happened card. That card does nothing and
is discarded. (If your opponent had to tap a
Neopet or do anything else to play it, those
things aren't undone.)
130/234 Uncommon
This is another one of those cards that helps
make Water decks so rediculously powerful. Not
only does Water have some very useful SHH cards,
but it also has a way to stop anybody else from
playing their own SHH, by negating it
with Nothing Has Happened. <sound clip of
HomeStarRunner saying, "Negated!">
Your opponent tries to win by using Cleansing
Flames or Put on Display? I don't think so!
Negated!!!! Fumble? Negated! Back from the
Grave? Negated!! Nothing Has Happened?
Negated!!! Yes, you can stop a NHH with another
NHH (and that one can be countered with another
Another reason this card hurts so much is that
it doesn't undo the tapping of Neopets- it
doesn't reverse the cost of whatever SHH was
played, just prevents the effect. So, if your
opponent uses something like Nova Storm or
Cleansing Flames, when you negate it, you not
only stop them in your tracks, but they're left
with a Neopet uselessly tapped.
This card is currently extremely useful. Almost
every deck uses a SHH card of some sort to try
to break open the game. I'll give this card a
4.3 out of 5.
neomaniac |
Nothing has
To play this
card you need a water neopet.
Play this when
your opponent plays a something has happened
card. That card does nothing nothing and is
discarded.( if your opponent had to tap a neopet
or do anything else to play it, those things
aren't undone.)
This card is only
useful in water decks which are popular with
cards like malevolent scientist poogle plushie
and poogle racer. There aren't many something
has happend cards about, so this card doesn't
have a lot of potential, unless there are a lot
of something has happened cards in battle for
I would give this
card 2/5 as there is not a lot of use for it in
the game at the moment.
Noah |
Nothing has
Something has happened| Water
"To play this you need a Water neopet.
Play this card when your opponent plays a Something
Has Happened card.That card does nothing and is
discarded.(If your opponent had to tap a Neopet or
do anything else to play it, thoes things arnt
Now this is one card i really like. There are some
annoying Something Has Happened cards around and
this is one thing that can get rid of them. I also
like the fact that the neopet cant untap its card or
take back anything it has to do to use that
Something Has happenend. It wastes your opponents
turn and can give you the advantage. I have nothing
bad to say about this. It belongs in most decks. Im
going to keep this one is short and simple, try it
out for yourself, i highly recommend it.
5/5- Because it can just be so helpfull. I have
nothing bad to say about it. |