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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

Commander Garoo

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 1.28.04

Average Rating: 1.55

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Paul Hagan  Commander Garoo -- 2 / 5

I'm really diggin' the brainwashed Grundos at the bottom of the art -- that's too cool. Other than that, I'm not a fan of this card. It has drawbacks in the form of bonuses to Earth rivals and a free card to whoever beats him (usually your opponent) and his stats, as far as Villains go, aren't that great. I would only play this guy if I *really* needed a Villain in an Air deck and I didn't have any other options.
emdman  I see no reason why to play this card. When you’re going for a villain, you should go for a villain that has at least one stat that’s around 20. Unfortunately, this villain’s strongest stat is a 16 in Strength. You could try using this card in a villain deck, where you play loads of villains that require your opponent to draw cards until he decks out, but that doesn’t work very well. Also, take into consideration that Earth rivals will gain +5 to all stats against this guy. That makes this guy even worse.

I give this card a 1/5. Even with cards from Battle for Meridell that makes villain cards a bit more playable, it’s still worthless. If you’re going for a villain, go for Shadow Usul.

Commander Garoo

Villain | Blumaroo | Air

Strength 16 | Agility 13 | Magic 14 | Intelligence 12

To play this, you need an Air Neopet.  Earth rivals get +5 to all stats in contests against this Villain.  When this Villain loses a contest, the player who defeated it draws a card.

2/234  Foil


Well, for our first villain review, we aren't starting out too good.  At this point, most people are just interested in Shadow Usul, The Darkest Faerie, and Jhudora.  Most villains have some decent stats but are usually pretty easy to beat (especially with our next CotD, MSPP).  Once beaten, most villains either allow you to draw a card or untap all rivals.  Villains that force card drawing are a nice way to prevent your opponent from banking, however it increases the size of their hand, which obviously can hurt in the long run.


Commander Garoo is pretty mediocre for stats in all his arenas.  Considering you don't get to roll a dice with him, and whoever is contesting him does, he usually falls pretty fast.  This means he's pretty much only good to force a draw instead of a bank.  Garoo can be helpful in the very early game, but don't expect him to stay out long.


Unfortunately, all the other villains for air (in the basic set) cause the player who defeats it to untap rivals, which often leaves the arena open for an easy, if not free, win.




I can't say I'm impressed at all with this card, or for that matter the majority of villains from the basic set.  I give this card a 1.6 of 5.



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