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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Pirate Krawk

Mystery Island

Date Reviewed: 7.30.04

Average Rating: 3.65

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Pirate Krawk

Neopet | Experienced Krawk | Dark/Water

Strength 11 | Agility 9 | Magic 4 | Intelligence 4

When this Neopet wins a contest against a Neopet on your turn, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand and discards it.

10/100 MI HoloFoil


Although this guy's base stats are fairly low, his ability might make him popular in some up and coming decks.  Like any TCG, eventually a good control deck is going to pop up and this guy looks like he'll be a big part in it.  Why?  Well, not only do you get your normal win options of banking a card or drawing, but you also force your opponent to discard one.  Unfortunately, it's not a random discard, but hit someone a couple of times, and it'll definitely pay off.


Aside from that, I can't say I have much to say about this guy.  His Dark/Water mix gives you some nice options, including some of the existing hand control cards like Jhudora's Evil Eye (which really isn't a great card to play as you each lose out on one card).




For now, I can't give this guy a great rating, but I think the potential is there.  We'll just have to wait and see.  Until then, a 3.3 of 5.
Well noow, here is an interesting card to start the weekend off with. Not only does it have somewhat stable stats, but it has an interesting effect. Lets take a look at that:
"When this neopet wins a contest against a Neopet on your turn, your opponent chooses a card from his or her hand and discards it"
Now, here is an effect that can turn a game around. Its the hand disruption of Neopets. Every time this card wins against a Neopet[which have low stats in general] They have to discard a card. Get a few of these guys on the field and you can tear apart their entire hand. I find this effect very usefull if you use it well, you can protect yourself from good items, experienced neopets, heros, or villans. I find that pretty good late game when you figure out your opponents stratagy. What a nifty effect. Now too the pros and cons.
+11 strength
+9 agility
-4 magic
-4 intelegence
I give this card a 4/5 if you use it right it will be your friend for the entire match.
Next time- Its a rock?? No even better, a stone, a codestone. But what one???



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