Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Neopets site
Dr. Sloth
Return of Dr. Sloth
Date Reviewed: 6.02.04
Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
emdman |
Dr. Sloth, the
scourge of Neopets, the bad guy of all bad guys, the
person (or whatever he is) who is...not really nice;
and now it seems he’s just as relentless in the TCG
as well.
Not only does he have an Intelligence that makes
Eliv Thade look like a puzzle-loving wussie, but he
also has an effect that will force your opponent to
use 2 Neopets/Heroes against him, which usually
means he has to open a slot or two for you to gain a
freebie. This guy won’t have to worry much about
Poogle Racer, since there will have to be two of
them for Sloth to be defeated. If you’re playing
with Dark Neopets and you need something to fill up
that Intelligence Arena, this is your man. The only
downside is that he comes with a very big reward
when he’s defeated. However, if you’re not playing
with Dark Neopets, there are some good alternatives
out there, such as Neopet v2. ;)
I give this card a 4/5. Villains are made to lock
down the arena your deck is weakest in, and Dr.
Sloth does a good job doing so.