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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

fyoras wand
Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Fyora's Wand

Return of Dr. Sloth

Date Reviewed: 6.04.04

Average Rating: 2.2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Deke Fyora's Wand
Equipment | Weapon | Light
Strength - | Agility - | Magic 2 | Intelligence - | Bank 2

To play this, tap one of your Light Nopets. When you play this card, if there is a Villain in the same arena, you may move that Villain to an arena of your choice that doesn't already have one.

When you move this Neopet or Hero into an arena that has a Villain, you may move that Villain to an arena of your choice that doesn't already have one.

5/100 RoDS Foil

This card is fun if you know you're going to be working against Villains. The basic idea is that you can use a pet equipped with this card to push a Villain to an arena where you can easily defeat it, where it's out of your way, or where it gets in your opponent's way. What's even better is if you get this onto a Poogle Racer or Gelert Beast Hunter, as they can move freely to make Villain-shuffling a bit less costly. Notice the card only says "may move" so you don't have to.

The bad news is this card is alligned to Light, and is nothing special where there aren't any Villains in play. A couple non-alligned anti-Villain equips are Ring of the Summoner and the Sceptre of Banishing.


If you're using Light and you know you're going to have to deal with Villains, this is a great card to consider. But that's pretty much what this card is limited to. I don't see this card getting a lot of play in the current environments, as other cards are just more versatile. It only reaches a 2.2 of 5.



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