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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site


Base Set

Date Reviewed: 03.11.04

Average Rating: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Paul Hagan This guy is fairly weak in the Agility, Magic, and Intelligence Departments (as far as Heroes go) and his neat-o ability is only good if your opponent has a lot of Dark Neopets. I think there are just a lot stronger heroes that you should play over this guy, even if you are in both Earth and Light for your Faerie Types. Sorry, Jeran, I wish you were better: 1.5 out of 5 stars.
Noah  Jeran
Hero|Lupe|Earth Light
Strength 21|Agility 13|Magic 10|Intelegence 11
"To Play this tap one of your Earth or Light Neopets. When you play this card, move all your opponents dark neopets into its arena."

Jeran,Meridell Knight
Hero|Lupe|Earth Light
Strength 22|Agility 12|Magic 10|Intelegence 10
"To play this tap one ofyour eath or light neopets. When you play this card attach any number of Equiptment from your hand to this hero. When this hero is discarded from play, return all Equiptment attached to it to their opponents hand."

Now, the week of cards, specally choosen from me from Battle for Meridell.

These two cards are amazing, truely great, im stunned, seriously. Each with their own awesome effects and strength. Lets look at the pros of these two cards

+His effect
+Is the key card to taking out dark/villan cards.
+his strength and over all good stats

Pros+(Jeran,Meridell Knight)
+His effect
+The attack you can amazingly get him up too
+his strength and over all good stats

-Too bad they all cant have the same effects

I personally love these two cards. I would suggest him over any hero any day.

Jeran-5/5 -EXELENT
Jeran,Meridell Knight-5/5-EXELENT

Thats all i have for today, watch for my other cards this week all from the battle for meridell expansion



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