Cosmic Yellow Grundo
Strength 2 |
Agility 1| Magic 5| Intelegence 5
"This neopet gets +2
to all stats while there are no villans in play"
Well we are back from
our long absence and continuing reviewing with
Return of Sloth expansion. And we start are
reviewing on a good note, the yellow grundo
Ok at first look this
guy is good in the magic and intelegence arena.
The second time this guy looks amazing. His effect
is mostly used the entire game sence villans are
under used due too their drawbacks. So pretty much
his stats are 4 3 7 7. Which is overall good for a
light basic neopet. I'd say your best bet is using
3 to get its full effect. Thats the way grundos
are. Power in the masses. Lets look at the pros
and cons of this guy
+2 while no villans
are in play
Good in Magic and
Intelegence Arena
Just average while
Villans are in play
Low agility
Grundo Deck: 5
Non Grundo Deck: 3
Villan Deck: 1(i dont
even know why i posted that)
Yep, i was having a
hard time making my mind up so i just used
situations that would best/ least suit yellow