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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Evil Sloth Clone #177

Return of Dr. Sloth Booster Packs

Date Reviewed: 5.24.04

Average Rating: 2.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Deke Evil Sloth Clone #177

Villain | Clone | Air

Strength 20 | Agility 14 | Magic 4 | Intelligence 1

To Play this, you need an Air Neopet. When you play this card, you may choose a card in your hand and discard it to search your deck. You may take an Evil Sloth Clone #177 or an Evil Sloth Clone #238 from your deck, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck. When this Villain loses a contest, untap all its rivals.

49/100 RoDS Uncommon

Although I like having the option of searching for more Villains, I can't say this particular Villain is all that great. It's only really helpful in Strength, and it doesn't take much to get 20 pts in that arena. As usual, the "untap all its rivals" reward isn't really helpful, as Villains are more often used to try to prevent your opponent from banking. Also, when I sacrifice a card from my hand to search my deck for something, I want it to be something more useful than either of the Sloth Clones.


His Villain-searching ability isn't enough to outweigh the rival-untapping reward. I can only give this guy a 2.1 out of 5

emdman Evil Sloth Clone #177 is, basically, another form of ESC #238, but what separates it from #238 is that #177 lets you get either another #177 OR #238. This, my friends, brings us to the awesome world of deck thinning. The point of deck thinning is to thin out your deck so that you will have a better chance of drawing a good card. The only downside is that you will also have a bigger chance of decking out.

Here’s how you should use the ESC’s (both of them):

1) On your turn, play ESC #177 into an arena that he’s weak in (preferably the Magic or Intelligence arena).

2) Destroy the Sloth Clone, untap the pet(s) you used for the villain contest, and search for another #177

3) Repeat, but on the last #177, search for a #238 instead

4) Do the same to the #238’s as you did to the #177’s, but, if you want to, you may play the last #238 into the Strength arena, where he’s at his strongest.

After doing this, you will have a smaller deck, meaning you have a much better chance of drawing a card, but keep in mind that this trick doesn’t always guarantee success.

I give this card a 2.5/5. Other than having ultimate deck thinning potential, this guy is basically a “villain wall” for the Strength arena, and since there are already so many cards that dominate the Strength arena (Grarrl Gladiator, Draik Soldier, Skarl’s Personal Guard, just a name of few), any villain in that arena, no matter how high the strength stat is, will only help your opponent.
Monday:  Evil Sloth Clone #177
Villain | Clone | Air
Strength 20 | Agility 14 | Magic 4 | Intelligence 1
When you play this card, you may choose a card in your hand and discard it to search your deck.  You may take an Evil Sloth Clone # 177 or an Evil Sloth Clone #238 from your deck, show it to your oponenent, and put it into your hand.  Then Shuffle your deck.  When this villain looses a contest, untap all rivals.
Let me begin my review of this card by saying that in an era of modern technology with the internet, cell phones, and robotic vacuum cleaners, one would think that an Evil Sloth Clone could be a bit smarter.  However, ESC#177 makes up for his lack of brains with his immense brawn.  With a huge strength of 20 and an ok agility of 14, he can do fairly well in a match in either one of those two arenas..  However, his ability is a bit of a mixed blessing.  Since you can only have up to three of each card in one deck, and 60 cards being the standard size, the only good this here clone would have in terms of abilities is if you had 2 or 3 of them in your deck.  All in all, its a decent card.  My rating: 2.5 out of 5 



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