In the website, Jelly World is a secret
world the Neopets
Team didn’t want you to know; but thanks to
Neopets help
sites, nearly everybody knows about Jelly
This is a very weird card. In my opinion,
Jelly World is like the
Neopian equivalent to Yu-Gi-Oh’s
Toon World.
What makes this card so weird is that it
reveals a fifth and secret arena known as
the Jelly Arena! That’s right, there’s a
fifth arena. Unlike the other 4 arenas, the
Jelly Arena lets you pick your
Neopets’ best
stats. This could prove useful. Think
about it. You’ll be able to use 2 Grarrl
Gladiators for an awesome winning spree.
That does sound good, but Jelly World also
has its own pets, which we will review later
in the week.
Like Toon World,
Jelly World works best if you built a deck
around it; but also like
Toon World,
Jelly World suffers from a bad weakness even
if you built a deck around it. For
starters, a “Jelly Deck” will solely depend
around a Location card. Destroying a
Location card is as simple as playing
another Location Card. By playing another
Location card, the Jelly World card will
have to leave the Jelly Arena, therefore
Jelly World is destroyed. Second, since
there are now 5 arenas if Jelly World is in
play, and you’re limited to having up to 3
pets in play, you’re going to have 2 arenas
in the open. Your opponent, who is used to
having 4 arenas, can exploit this to get
some quick banks. Lastly, since it’s a
Location card, the “choose your stat
ability” effects both players, meaning, for
example, you opponent can play a 2nd Grarrl
Gladiator into the Jelly Arena.
Rating: 5/5 in Jelly Decks. It’s the heart
and soul of a Jelly Deck. I give Jelly
Decks in general a 2/5 for now. Until they
make a card that negates Location cards like
how Nothing Has Happened negates SHH cards,
don’t count on using your Jelly pets’
abilities for a good while (again, we’ll
review the Jelly pets later this week).