This is a pretty nice card. It’s better
than King Skarl’s need for a Skarl’s
Personal Guard or a Wand of Supernova’s need
to devour one of your valuable cards. If
you can find a way to squeeze this card into
a Weapon Deck, it would be perfect!
Unfortunately, like I said in an earlier
review, a Weapon Deck usually consists of
fire and air-type pets. There is the
possibility of building a Bori Deck. We
already see some of the makings for one
(Keeper of Time, Bori Miner, Bori Guard,
Awakening, and Armin the Small). The only
problem is that there’s not enough Basic
Boris. Right now, we only have Red and Blue
Bori which will only give us a total of 6 if
both were used in triplicate.
Rating: 2/5 Maybe in future sets they will
make more Boris and cards that support
Boris. Until then, you could try squeezing
this into a Weapons Deck, or maybe even
other decks that uses equipments such as a
Petpet deck.