Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day
Image from
Wizards Neopets site |
Skarl's Orders
Hannah and the Ice Caves
Date Reviewed: 10.08.04 - 2 of 2
Average Rating: 3.2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Deke |
Skarl's Orders
Fate | Quest | Earth
To play this, you need an Earth Neopet. You can't start another contest on the turn you play this card. When this Neopet banks a Weapon, this Neopet's controller searches his or her deck for a Weapon, banks it, and shuffles his or her deck. Then discard this Quest.
87/150 HatIC Uncommon
So far, all the Quests seem to start with the cost of not being able to start further contests on the turn you play it. I'm not sure if that will have something to do with any further rulings on playing Quests or not. I personally don't think this card will be amazing. Yes, you can get a free bank out of it, but you'll be banking an absolute maximum of 6 since weapons don't go higher than 3 each. Yes, 6 is better than 4 or 5, but it's really going to depend on the cost of playing a Quest.
Ratings: If the only cost is not having any more contests on the turn you play a quest, this could be worthwhile. However, keep in mind there will be ways to counter curses and quests just like every other card type ;) 3.1 of 5.
Carrie |
Skarl's Orders
To play this, you need an Earth Neopet. You can't
start another contest on the turn you play this
card. When this Neopet banks a Weapon, this Neopet's
controller searches his or her deck for a Weapon,
banks it, and shuffles his or her deck. Then discard
this Quest.
Hannah and the Ice Caves 87/150 Uncommon
Rating: 3.5
Fates introduce a new level of play to the Neopets
Trading Card Game. Each Fate card is either a Quest
or a Curse. You can play the cards on either your
Neopets or your opponent's Neopets. A Quest card is
discarded after you complete the card's
instructions. A Curse stays in play until it is
removed by other means.
The first Quest we're reviewing, Skarl's Orders, is
the perfect addition to an Equipment deck.
Obviously, banking an additional Weapon is great,
but the fact that you get to hand pick which card to
bank from your deck is even better! One great
combination for this Quest is the Mynci Inventor.
With the Inventor and Skarl's Orders, not only do
you bank for winning a contest, you get to draw a
card, and then bank another Equipment (more
specifically, a Weapon)! Both cards are also Earth
based, making it easier to play them together.
At this point, there are only a couple cards to
counter this Quest. Change of Plan is a Fire
Something Has Happened card that's able to discard a
Quest card. Other than that, there isn't much
defense against a Quest, making it even more
I really don't see any downside to this card except
that it's very deck specific, and I wouldn't use it
in many decks that weren't completely centered on
Equipment. Otherwise, this is a Quest I'd accept.
ekim |
Skarl's Orders
Fate | Quest | Earth
"To play this, you need an Earth Neopet. You can't
start another contest on the turn you play this
When this Neopet banks a Weapon, this Neopet's
controller searches his or her deck for a Weapon,
banks it, and shuffles his or her deck. Then discard
this quest."
Fates are a new set of card that you are able to use
with your own card or with your opponent's card.
Today, we are reviewing one card from both types.
One type, Quests, are used with your own Neopet.
When you complete a task set out for you, a reward
is given. I suppose Taelia may show up as a Quest
Fate later on...
Anyway, this Quest is relatively good. You need an
Earth Neopet, which are easy enough to find, and you
need to begin a contest. Poogle Racer would work
well with this, if Quests can be used with any kind
of pet.
Unfortunately, once you activate this you can't
start another contest that turn, which means it
would be best to use this as a last contest
finisher-type card.
There are another 2 restrictions to using this card,
which may make it slightly less playable. You need
to win the contest, then bank an Weapon card. I
personally don't put Weapons into my deck for the
sole reason of being banked, as they tend to be 3 or
less bank points. However, once you bank it, you can
search your deck for another Weapon and bank that.
So at most, you'll usually end up with 6 bank
2.3/5 - I don't really see much of a point in this
card. Weapons are meant to be equipped, not banked,
which is reflected in their low bank values.
However, you'll want to try this out in a deck that
uses Armoury of Kass or Draik Soldier.