Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Neopets site |
Faerie Poogle
Hannah and the Ice Caves
Date Reviewed: 10.20.04
Average Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Deke |
Faerie Poogle
Neopet | Experienced
Poogle | Water
Strength 5 | Agility 9 |
Magic 11| Intelligence 7
While this Neopet is
untapped, you may move
it without tapping it to
an arena where your
opponent has a Neopet.
8/150 HatIC HoloFoil
Can't get your hands on
Poogle Racer or
think it's too weak?
Here's an alternative
for you! So far,
everybody seems to think
that this card will be
the next Poogle Racer,
but there is one major
glitch: you can only use
it's move effect to go
to an arena where your
opponent has a Neopet.
Why is this so bad?
Well, one of the big
advantages of Poogle
Racer was being able to
move to those freebie
arenas and get quick
wins that way. Also, it
hurts the major combos
that you use Poogle
Racer with like Monsoon
or Jhudora's Storm
(followed by Slorg
Trails, of course).
Also, it's worth noting
that since it specifies
Neopet, you won't be
able to move to an arena
that just has Villains
and/or Heroes in it.
I do agree though, that
the stats are a little
better than Poogle
Racers (8,12,4,6).
Faerie Poogle at least
stands a chance in more
than one arena even when
Faerie Poogle can also
be a great defensive
card. Since you can move
it freely to arenas
where your opponent's
pets are, a beefed-up
Faerie Poogle can help
you defend almost any
arena quickly.
I don't like this card
nearly as much as Poogle
Racer, but can still see
plenty of options for
it. Let's face it, free
movement, even if
limited to arenas your
opponent occupies, is
still a great ability.
It earns a 3.9 of 5.
Carrie |
Faerie Poogle
Neopet/Experienced Poogle/Water
While this Neopet is untapped, you may move it
without tapping to an arena where your oppenent has
a Neopet.
Hannah and the Ice Caves 8/150
Rating: 2.6
In a world where the Poogle Racer didn't exist, this
card would probably be somewhat popular. However,
This card is like the Poogle Racer, except with
stipulations. You have to put it in an arena that
has an opponent, which is a large disadvantage
compared to the Poogle Racer, who's ability to move
anywhere while untapped (without tapping) makes it
easy for a lot of automatic wins in unopposed
contests. The Poogle Racer's ability is also
neccessary for a couple of powerful combinations (Slorg
Trails and Jhudora's Storm, for example), and the
Faerie Poogle's ability cannot take advantage of
these combinations.
I don't really have much to say about this card.
It's simply outclassed by the Poogle Racer in all
ways but one. The Faerie Poogle has an excellent
magic stat compared to the Poogle Racer. If you need
a Water Neopet for magic, you'd still be better off
with a Peophin than this Poogle though.