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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site


Mystery Island

Date Reviewed: 9.16.04

Average Rating: 4.2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.



Something Has Happened | Light

To play this, tap one of your Light Neopets.  Choose a Villain in play and discard it.  Look at your opponent's hand and discard all Villains there with that name.  Then search your opponent's deck.  You may take all Villains with that name from his or her deck and discard them.  Then your opponent shuffles his or her deck.

22/100 MI Rare


Well, for those that thought Villain Stall decks were too powerful, here's your key to victory.  Not only does this card destroy a Villain on the field, but it puts all copies your opponent has of that card into the graveyard.  If you really want, you can use it on one of your own Villains, and you still get rid of all copies your opponent may have.


I'd recommend this card to anybody that plays light and has any inkling that there might be a Villain to contend with.  The only real problems with this card are 1) it rots in your hand if there's no Villains; and 2) Back from the Grave can fetch the Villain back easily.  Otherwise, aside from needing Light, this card is very solid.



As far as Light SHH cards go, this is one of the best (which doesn't say much).  Overall, I think this card easily deserves a 3.9 of 5.  It would be higher if it wasn't limited to Light or Villains.
Carrie Banishment
Something Has Happened / Light
To play this, tap one of your Light Neopets. Choose a Villain in play and discard it. Look at your opponent's hand and discard all Villains there with that name. Then search your opponent's deck. You may take all Villains with that name from his or her deck and discard them. Then your opponent shuffles his or her deck.
Mystery Island 22/100 Rare
Rating: 4.5/5

Banishment is probably the most powerful and versatile Something Has Happened card for the light faerie type. Not only do you remove a VIllain from an arena that you could be using to bank or draw, but you remove the same Villain from your opponent's hand and deck as well! The ability to remove up to three of your opponent's Villains is a major advantage. The only defense to this right now is Nothing Has Happened or Back from the Grave. This card would be a helpful addition to almost any light deck.



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