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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  The Darkest

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 9.29.04

Average Rating: 4.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Carrie The Darkest Faerie
To play this, you need a Dark Neopet. When this Villain loses a contest, the player who defeated it draws a card. When a Basic Neopet loses a contest to this Villain, put the Basic Neopet on the bottom of the Neopet stack. When a Hero or Experienced Neopet loses a contest to this Villain, discard the Hero or Experienced Neopet.
Base Set 3/234 Holo Rare
Rating: 4.2

The Darkest Faerie is a powerhouse in magic with the second highest Villain stat in that arena, topped only by Jhudora. Not only does she have a great magic stat, but she has an excellent ability as well. If you lose again The Darkest Faerie, the Neopet(s) or Hero(es) you started the contest with are discarded from play. Regardless of what you're playing, that's going to hurt. One less Basic or Experienced Neopet can put you at a major advantage in any game.

Another benefit to The Darkest Faerie is that for a card effect that strong, there is a very weak reward for beating her. Instead of untapping all rivals, she just allows you to draw a card, boosting her up above a lot of Villains right there. She's also the Dark faerie type, which has very little to offer for Experienced Neopets in the magic arena.

With each new expansion, there are a lot of cards that can defeat Villains in a hurry; Banishment would be the newest example. However, there are still a lot of great Dark cards to help boost the ability of The Darkest Faerie to do well in the game. For instance, the Darigan Paint Brush will help get this Villain into play quickly. The Three allows a Villain to roll three times and keep the best roll, and Back from the Grave allows you to bring a Villain back from the discard pile into the game. These are all great choices to play with The Darkest Faerie.

For Villains, especially Dark Villains, you won't find many better options than The Darkest Faerie.

The Darkest Faerie

Villain | Faerie | Dark

Strength 8 | Agility 16 | Magic 23 | Intelligence 15

To play this, you need a Dark Neopet.  When this Villain loses a contest, the player who defeated it draws a card.  When a Basic Neopet loses a contest to this Villain, put the Basic Neopet on the bottom of the Neopet stack.  When a Hero or Experienced Neopet loses a contest to this Villain, discard the Hero or Experienced Neopet.

3/234 Base HoloFoil


If you want to see a Villain made right, this is the card to look at.  The Darkest Faerie is powerful enough to hold back most single opponents in three different arenas, the reward for beating her is just a single card draw, and her effect...  !!!


It is a rare opponent who would start a contest against this Villain without being 95% sure he or she could win, because a loss means that the pet gets discarded.  This introduces a huge psychological factor where most opponents won't even bother trying a contest against The Darkest Faerie until their pets can be augmented with equips, items, or the assistance of other pets.


For a 50%+ chance of discarding your opponent's pets anyway, consider using The Three (BfM #22/140: "To play this, you need a Dark Neopet.  Play this card when your opponent starts a contest against a Villain.  Roll 3 dice for that Villain this contest.  Use only the highest of the 3 rolls.")





This is by far one of the most useful Villains out there.  If you have Dark, and you want to trip up your opponent in any of the bottom three arenas, The Darkest Faerie is the way to go.  She earns a hefty 4.4 of 5 from me.



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