Okay so you want to know what the top 10 most best cards in this
set is?Well sit back and relax and i'll show the ropes and ends.So lets get
started shall we.Let see #10 is...
#10:Stone Snowball:Just for your basic strength pet.Pretty
good,might boost your pet to be able to beat your opponet pet.8 strength points
is a harvoc if used correctly.
#9:Illusions charm:Banking 4 points is always card to you.I mean
why not?Plus its a common.
#8:Snowball machine:Basically for the water decks.You get to pick
a snowball from your deck and show it to your opponet.Pretty good,but I wouldn't
reccoment it to any deck,except maybe water decks.
#7:Thingy:Weird name...so anyways this card can let you get a petpet from your deck into your hand after you bank it.The bad part is you have
to show the petpet to your opponet.Well thats not that bad,so you don't have to
fret,plus get 2 bank points on using this card.This cards is useful is decks
such as petpet decks.This card can also fetch the card i'm going to say next.
#6:Doglefox:This card makes your opponets petpets stats to 0.This
could be helpful in times of needs or just plain waste of space.This card can be
fetched by the thingy and can be used in a combo.When your opponets plays a
petpet to aid them,you can simply play thingy get Doglefox and then
whammo!Theres goes there chance of winning by half of so.
#5:Silver Negg:Nice effect.Gains a +2 on all stats with the
additional orginal ones.This card should be played early at the game when your
opponets doesn't have any item cards.One of the best neggs out there.
#4:Faerie pancakes:A well-around card that lets you have all of
your pets have +2 stats for ONE whole turn.Its a decent card but it is only
active for only one card.This card is for basics neopets decks.
#3:Yellow Paint brush:Wow this card is pretty good for a basic
deck.It replaces a basic neopet with another neopet from your Neopet deck,which
might give you a advantage from your opponet.Seems good?Well it gets even better
it lets you KEEP the equipment from the orginal pet.A strong item card.
Grimoire of Thade:Simple.Draw two cards when your experience pet beats your
opponents one.Drawing two card can benfit your hand.Though getting 1 point for
banking this card is bad,this card is pretty good one.Now to the #1 item
card!The #1 best card in edition #1 is...
#1:Rainbow paint brush:This card has many advantages and
disvantages.When you bank this card you get to pick a experiance Neopet from
your deck and let your opponet see it.In words you can now have a better chance
on winning contests,but on the other hand your opponet knows what you are
doing.Overall you don't have to worry about that because with an experiance
Neopet on your side who will you think you win?
Hope you found my Top 10 list to be interesting an accurate!Comments,replies,questions?Mail me at
ashfire1234567890@yahoo.com and
i'll reply as fast as I can!Next time i'll do the Top 10 best Neopets for the
1st Edition set.See you next time and good luck making your deck!