Microsoft claims no price cut planned for Xbox 360
The market might be hoping Microsoft to cut the prices of
its Xbox 360 gaming console to counter the upcoming launch
of Sony Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii, but the company has
no plans to do so.
Man Blows Up His Xbox
Tom from game site ScrewAttack made a wager if the Dallas
Mavericks were defeated by the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals,
he'd blow up his Xbox. Well the Mavs tanked, and Handsome
Tom held true to his word. Check out the video here.
'D&D' fans compete in film production contest
The company behind "Dungeons & Dragons" is hosting an
inaugural fan film competition to appeal to players who want
to go a step beyond gaming.
Fusing the booming trends of role-playing games and
Web-based video sites, "Dungeons & Dragons" owner Wizards of
the Coast on Tuesday launched a contest in which fans can
create their own "D&D"-related films.
Entrants have until Sept. 1 to produce and direct their own
tributes to the game, and contest officials are anticipating
a diverse mix. "We expect the submissions to run the gamut
from tongue-in-cheek comedies, to perhaps even
documentaries," said Liz Schuh, brand director for "Dungeons
& Dragons."
Devil’s Due to publish comic adaptation of Salvatore’s
Crystal Shard
This August, Devil’s Due Publishing, Inc. travels to
Forgotten Realms to present The Legend of Drizzt Vol. IV:
The Crystal Shard #1 (of 3). R.A. Salvatore’s fantasy hero
Drizzt is back in a new 48pg, in this three-issue comic book
The Crystal Shard retells the fourth installment of
Salvatore’s bestselling series of novels published by
Wizards of the Coast Inc. Expertly adapted by Andrew Dabb
and illustrated by Val Semeiks, the series is available in
two stunning covers, and is sure to be a fan favorite for
years to come.
TiVo To Support Sony PSP and iPod
TiVo, the popular PVR maker, has made a shrewd move by
announcing video support for the Sony PSP and iPod.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow still
looks rough at times, at least the PS2 version (Bethesda
wasn't showing the PC iteration), but only as far as the
graphics are concerned. In terms of the gameplay, it looks
pretty entertaining. The game definitely caters to fans of
the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so it doesn't attempt
anything dramatically different for hardcore gamers, but
movie fans should find the action fulfilling.
New Information on Pokémon Diamond & Pearl
New information was released on the official Pokémon website
this week in regards to Pokémon Diamond & Pearl for the
Nintendo DS. The games, like their predecessors, will allow
players to play as either a male or female character and
will include the familiar "night and day" system which is
now based on the DS's internal clock. As usual, the time of
day will affect the types of Pokémon you meet and how they
evolve as well as the visual presentation of the game.
Japanese Coin Machine Dispenses Smart Media Pokemon

This keen machine — resembling one of the rusty behemoths
dispensing cologne in the men's restrooms of cheap pubs —
actually dispenses Pokemon on reusable SmartMedia cards for
viewing on your DS or GBA.
At 300 Yen (or about two and a half bucks) for an episode of
Pokemon, this is most certainly the direction the PSP's UMDs
should have taken.
Keith Richards To Star in 'Pirates III'
Keith Richards will star in the third Pirates Of The
Caribbean film, it has been confirmed.
The Rolling Stones legend was scheduled to appear in the
imminent second instalment of the movie series, as the
father of Johnny Depp's character Captain Jack Sparrow.
Sudoku Gridmaster for Nintendo DS now in stores
Sudoku Gridmaster is now available on Nintendo DS for
$19.99. The title currently has a 60 percent average review
ranking according to (based on six
reviews). Sudoku Gridmaster is the latest entry in
Nintendo's "Touch Generations" line of casual game software.
Camp for Harry Potter Lovers
Caresse John and Karley Adney have taken Harry Potter mania
to a new level this week with the debut of the Muggle
Academy, a Northern Illinois University camp for kids ages
12-15 who have a passion for all things Potter.