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Paladins of Bonds and Unity – Yu-Gi-Oh! Card of the Day


Paladins of Bonds and Unity – #SUDA-EN000

1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters with 2500 original ATK & DEF
While this Synchro Summoned card is in your Monster Zone, your opponent cannot target it with card effects, also it cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s card effects. While you have 25 or more cards in your GY, this Synchro Summoned card gains 100 ATK/DEF for each card on the field and in the GYs. Once per turn, when a Spell Card is activated, while your opponent has 25 or more cards in their GY (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.

Date Reviewed:  January 31st, 2025

Rating: 1.83

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.

Reviews Below:

King of

Hello Pojo Fans,

Paladins of Bonds and Unity finishes up the week and is another incarnation of the 25th Anniversary card that was released.

Synchro Monster this time around, with a slightly higher ATK/DEF than its Main Deck form (400ATK/DEF boost), and is now a Level 12. The “25” theme comes into play with the requirements for Synchro Summon: monsters with 2500 original ATK/DEF, hence the high level I’m sure. Protection against targeting and destruction from opponent card effects is good, finally a good and usable effect on one of these cards.

“25” theme once again, and of course it has to do with the cards in the grave. You’ve got 25 or more in the grave? Fantastic! Paladins of Bonds and Unity gains 100ATK/DEF for every card on the field and in the graveyard for both players. What’s the catch? This card has to be Synchro Summoned to gain the ATK/DEF boost, so Monster Reborn cuts this off. Not sure how many players are summoning this late game or playing some strategy where you Grass Looks Greener and can get in for an OTK, but you probably aren’t seeing this effect, much like the other forms.

Negation ability against Spell Cards, however, your opponent has to have 25 or more cards in their Graveyard for this to be an option for you, but at least this card doesn’t have to be Synchro Summoned for that to happen. Quick Effect at least and it will destroy the card. Again, much like any of the other “25 or more” effects, you aren’t seeing this happen.

Like before, the artwork is absolute killer, but the playability of the card isn’t. I wish they would make these anniversary cards playable…maybe 30th anniversary? At least it gains protection when Synchro Summoned that doesn’t depend on “25 or more cards” effect(s).

Advanced- 2/5      Art- 5/5

Until Next Time,


With only three cards for three Tactical Try Decks (for now, two more for Rescue-ACE and Exosister were announced earlier this week, so more indirect and direct support for them likely coming), we’ll use the end of this week to look at the second to last of the special Quarter Century cards: Paladins of Bonds and Unity.

Paladins is a Level 12 LIGHT Spellcaster Synchro with 2900 ATK and DEF. Stats are referencing Dark Paladin, but 2900 is underwhelming for Level 12, though LIGHT and Spellcaster are kinda nice. The materials are any Tuner and any non-Tuner(s) with 2500 original ATK and DEF. The generic Tuner is nice, but the non-Tuner is very specific. Of course, you have Magicians of Bonds and Unity along with Dragon of Pride and Soul, but those are too hard to summon, so the best non-Tuner options might just be Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted, and The Iris Swordsoul, but at least soon we’ll have Regenesis for a whole archetype of 2500/2500 monsters that’s actually solid. While this Synchro Summoned card is in your Monster Zone, your opponent cannot target or destroy it with card effects, so you at least get some decent protection here. While you have 25 or more cards in your graveyard, this Synchro Summoned card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each card on the field and in the graveyards, so at the bare minimum you have 5500 ATK for this on the field plus the 25 cards at least in the grave, but it’s still too high of a amount of required cards in your grave to be reliable. Finally, we have a soft once per turn where if a Spell Card is activated and the opponent has 25 or more cards in their graveyard, you get Quick Effect negation and destruction of said Spell Card. Negating Spells is nice, but requiring 25 cards in the opponent’s graveyard to do so is far less reliable than you having 25 cards in your grave. Odd it doesn’t negate Spell Effects as well, but I guess it’s just like Dark Paladin in that regard. It’s a cool card and, honestly, the anniversary card with some of the highest potential to see play since it is still a 2900 body with protection if you can Synchro Summon it, though there are enough good Level 12 Synchros now that even if you could summon this, would you rather summon it over something else?

Advanced Rating: 1.5/5

Art: 5/5 I mean, I can never hate the artwork on these anniversary cards.


For some reason we are STILL celebrating the 25th anniversary of Yugioh, so I guess the party won’t stop for these two any time soon. Paladins of Bonds and Unity caps off the week, a level 12 LIGHT Spellcaster Synchro monster. While that might scream White Forest, you’ll be disappointed to know it requires a Tuner and any number of non-Tuners with both 2500 attack and defense. Yep, you’re meant to use Magicians of Bonds and Unity or Dragon of Pride and Soul, though if you were really obsessed with summoning Paladins, the easiest way would be Branded thanks to their ability to play your favored Ecclesia Tuner of choice and Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted unless you’re feeling extremely lucky in Lightsworn. Despite being level 12, Paladins has a rather low stat spread of 2900 attack and defense, though fortunately that won’t be a huge deal. 

Unlike its predecessors, Paladins has protection this time around, having immunity to both targeting effects and destruction effects as long as it’s Synchro Summoned. The distinction only really matters if you decide to revive Paladins, but frankly if you’re playing a deck where Paladins is your win condition, keeping it alive will be the least of your worries! True to the theme of the 25th anniversary monster, Paladins gains 100 attack and defense for each card on the field and in both Graveyards (while Synchro Summoned, bizarrely enough) as long as you have 25 or more cards in your Graveyard. This means Paladins will have a minimum of 5500 attack and defense when it takes effect. Or rather, if it takes effect; I’ve explained every time in my critique of the anniversary cards that getting 25 cards in the Graveyard is a herculean task even when playing a dedicated deck like Tear or Lightsworn, and you’ll still have to worry about actually summoning it in the first place. The same criticism carries over to its last effect, active while your opponent has 25 or more cards in the Graveyard granting Paladins a soft once per turn Quick Effect to negate a Spell card’s activation and destroy it. They couldn’t even make it an omni negate for all that trouble, so considering getting your opponent to mill 25 is even harder, a simple Spell negate is nowhere near worth the trouble. Once again, we’ve got a meme anniversary card that’s purely for collecting. Even if we got a deck that can enable it, it competes with considerably more useful Crimson Dragon (you are playing a Synchro deck, right?).

+Can reach insanely high stats and has protection
+Fairly accessible compared to the Main Deck anniversary monsters
-Annoying to summon since it requires a non-Tuner with 2500/2500 stats
-Neither effect is worth getting 25 cards in either Graveyard

Advanced: 2/5
Art: 4.25/5 Again! At least they look good.

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