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Pharaoh’s Servant Format (October 2002)

Pharaoh’s Servant Format (October 2002)

Pharaoh’s Servant (PSV) is the 4th booster set, coming after Magic Ruler.  FormatLibrary refers to this format as Imperial Format.

The main cards in that set which impacted the meta are

This is the deck list that won the most recent tournament.

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom and Goblin Attack Force are sided against beatdown decks with a lot of LV4 beaters.  Dust Tornado, some people mained 1 copy like a 4th MST, though many people keep it in their side deck against stall, burn and other potential weird spell/trap cards. 

Here are the 2nd and 3rd place decks.

And the top 4 decks from last time.

Seems like a solved meta, at least for now.

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