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Piece of the Day
Le Dauphin Royale
French - Crimson Coast
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against
English ships.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.19.05 |

WildWill |
Name: Le Dauphin Royale
Card #s: #067
Rarity: Rare
Type: Ship
Cost: 14 Points
Masts: 5
Cannons: 3S, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3S
Cargo: 5
Movement: 1L
Faction: French
Ability – “This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls
against English ships.”
Flavor Text - “Le Dauphin Royal carries both the
name and the patronage of the royal family, and her
loyal crew take seriously their responsibility of
maintaining the honor of the nation.”
Normally I don’t try to explain ship names, because
usually they are pretty self-explanatory. But for
today’s review, I thought I might point out that the
title “Le Dauphin Royale” is actually an oxymoron.
See, the definition of a Dauphin is the heir to the
French throne under both the Valois and the Bourbon
houses. So by definition a dauphin is a member of
the royal family. However, dauphin, being a French
word, actually means what it sounds like; dauphin in
French means “dolphin”. So either the name of this
ship is the royal heir to the throne, or the royal
dolphin. The flavor text makes it clear that WK
didn’t really think this name through.
In any case, this five masted vessel is a British
killing machine. For her size, 14 points is right in
line with similar vessels of English and American
factions, as is the five cargo spots. My only
problem with her, and it’s a minor one, is the 2
cannons that are 3S instead of 2L. Then again, if
they were 2L she’d probably cost a couple extra
points. I would seriously consider using her as your
main gunboat, especially if you’re going up against
a predominantly English fleet.
Le Dauphin Royale Ebay Auction Report – 9-16-05
# of Closed Auctions: 4
High Sale Amount: $1.75
Low Sale Amount: $0.99
Avg. Sale Amount: $1.38
Judging by the lack of movement and the low prices,
Le Dauphin isn’t very collectible, or desirable.
Maybe as trade bait. It’s unfortunate, because this
isn’t a bad ship at all.
My Ratings
Playability 3.5 of 5
Collectability 2 of 5
Next time – Crewfers – One French, and one French
Pirate. Avast! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate
Day today (assuming this gets posted on Monday).
Enjoy it, it’s our only holiday!
Aethereal |
Dauphin Royal
Another one of the cheaper five-masters that sports
a pretty mundane effect. This sucker gets +1 to its
rolls against English ships.
Obviously, this is good if you are playing against
people who use the English. If that isn't the case,
then you shouldn't play this ship for its special
So, let's look at the rest of this thing. 14 points
buys you the ability, L-range movement, five masts
with three 2L and two 3S cannons, and five cargo
spaces. This actually isn't too bad for 14 points,
as the 2L cannons are nice and should hit pretty
often. Of course, it would be a lot nicer to have 2S
cannons instead of 3S cannons, but keep in mind
you're paying 14 points. This ship isn't primary
gunship material by any means, but if you want a
secondary big gunship, this is a decent choice.
Rating: 3/5
Topnwe |
fine morning, afternoon or whatever it happens to be
for you, to you all.
I'm Topnwe and I'm here to add my two cents on these
pieces, I tend to try and fight people in this game
more often than go after gold, so my reviews might
be biased towards the fighters.
Le Dauphin Royal- Wish I could find one of these. A
fourteen point five masted ship is always useful,
especially with these cannons! 3s and 2s are good
rolls and the ability is, well, marginally useful. 5
cargo is normal for a ship of this size, and useful
if you are considering putting someone like Captain
Arathiel aboard. Slap a helmsman aboard and the
movement is fine most big ships aren't fast, but
that's why we have extra and double
action. All in all a nice ship for the French. 3/5,
average ship, not
too spectacular, but a very solid treasure hauler or