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Piece of the Day
Captain Nemo
Mercenary - Mystery Island
Ex-patriot. If this ship wins a boarding party, she
may capture the crew with the highest point cost
instead of eliminating it. A captive becomes
assigned to this ship, takes up no cargo space, and
can use its abilities. The captive cannot leave this
ship unless the ship sinks.
- Crew
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.13.06 |
Cadet-Captain Mike
Name: Captain Nemo
Card: MI # 020 (Rare)
Points: 8
Faction: Mercenaries
Link : Nautilus
Keyword: Ex-patriot.
Ability: If this ship wins a boarding party, she may
capture the crew with the highest point cost instead
of eliminating it. A captive becomes assigned to
this ship, takes up no cargo space, and can use its
abilities. The captive cannot leave this ship unless
the ship sinks.
First off, be ye all aware that I shall spell
"expatriate" correctly in the text of these reviews,
no matter what WizKids might think.
Anyway, on to Captain Nemo. He's the centerpiece of
the entire Mysterious Islands set, appearing in the
fluff text of no less than 20 cards (including
himself). Even the name "Mysterious Islands" is the
title of the second Jules Verne novel to feature
Nemo. The first novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,
portrays him as reclusive, secretive, and
vengeance-driven, not a bit like the kindly Nemo in
this game who shares his science with anyone who
wants it.
His ability is a killer. He can add crew to his ship
indefinitely, without regard to cargo spaces. This
could turn the Nautilus into a monster, and the
opposition won't like it when he strips them of
their best crew. There are three brakes on his
ability: (1) most good crew wind up on the bigger
ships, which the Nautilus won't have much luck
boarding; (2) Mermaids still works against
submarines; and (3) it will take a few turns and a
few boarding actions to build up the Nautilus'
crew, which gives the opposition a few turns to plan
a counter-strategy.
Still, it's a good ability with great potential. 8
points is a lot for one crew, but I think Nemo is
worth it, both for the power he gives the Nautilus
and the damage he does to the enemy.
Total rating: 4.5 / 5