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Piece of the Day
El Dorado
Pirates - Spanish Main
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships
become docked at your home island.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.07.06 |
Richard |
Ability: You own any derelict this ship explores:
Both ships become docked at your home island.
Points 11
Rarity Common
Cargo 2
Guns 4S, 2L, 4S
Move L
El Dorado – the fabled lost city of gold. Now if you
haven’t played with one of these ‘derelict
collectors’ before, you don’t know what you’ve been
Pop an explorer aboard and any derelict you touch
instantly becomes yours.
Tag her along behind your primary gunship, pick up
the resultant wreckage, and watch your fleet expand!
Your opponents won’t have enough ships left to
collect gold – and you won’t need to bother!
You probably need to crew her with a helmsman as
well, since her move is a little under par, but she
does have one surprisingly good gun amongst her
armoury. But she's not a gunship by any means, and
you don't have room for a captain to move and shoot
But for 11 points this ship is worth her weight in
gold, and is pretty well a permanent fixture in my
pirate fleet builds for multi player games. It’s
just such fun watching your opponents’ faces, as you
rapidly turn their own favourite ships around
against them…
My rating - 4.5/5. One of my absolute favourites.
Works a treat every time.
Aethereal |
A 3-mast version of the Harbinger. Only not as good,
except for the fact that it's a common. Only 2 cargo
spaces doesn't give you much room to work with, and
the movement speed is exactly the same as the
Harbinger's. The 2L cannon will probably get in a
few hits, but the 4S cannons are almost worthless.
Oh, and this thing also costs 11 points.
Really, just play the Harbinger instead if you want
the ability to steal your opponent's derelicts. It's
only six points more and you get two masts and some
killer cannons. This is almost strictly inferior.
Rating: 2.5/5 (only because the Harbinger is kind of
hard to get.)