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Piece of the Day
Divine Wind
Jade Rebellion - South China
Junk. If this ship shoots at a ship that was
previously shot at by another ship this turn, she
gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.22.06 |
Aethereal |
Divine Wind
Welcome to South China Seas week! We'll be looking
at stuff from the new set, and to start things off
we're going to have a week of Jade Rebellion ships
and crew. Today is the Divine Wind, a ship with a
tongue-twister of an ability. Let's break this guy
down...for ten points, you get 3 masts with 3S, 3L,
3S cannons. About average. The L movement is also
average...you'll want a Helmsman if you use this
4 cargo spaces is adequate for putting a couple crew
on this guy, but she's obviously no treasure hauler.
Fortunately, her ability reflects that. First, she's
a Junk, so you can shoot through your own masts.
More importantly, if you have the Divine Wind shoot
at a ship that already got shot at this turn, she
gets +1 to her rolls. That is a pretty neat ability.
You can pair the Divine Wind with another smaller
ship, have the smaller ship let loose and then the
Divine Wind can clean up now that it has some very
nice cannons. The only thing is it relies on having
another ship around, because otherwise you just have
average cannons. I'll give this ship an average
score, because that's what it is. Certainly not a
bad choice, but not the best choice either.
Rating: 3/5

WildWill |
Pirates of the
South China Seas #006
Name: Divine Wind
Card #s: 006
Rarity: Common
Type: Ship
Cost: 10 Points
Masts: 3
Cannons: 3S, 3L, 3S
Cargo: 4
Movement: 1l
Faction: Jade Rebellion
Link: Warlord Cavendish
Ability –
Junk. If this ship shoots at a ship
that was previously shot at by another ship this
turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that
ship this turn.
Flavor Text -
Captained by English turncoat Warlord
Cavendish, the Divine Wind preys on the weakest
ships, no matter which flag they sail under.
Our first South China Seas review is
a common? OK who picked this week? Wasn’t me. I
couldn’t get on the calendar system on time…but it’s
OK, this piece is very different from anything we’ve
seen so far. This piece is a pure secondary attack
vessel, with the Cargo spots to do some treasure
hunting (or stock up with firepots/smokepots). The
link to Cavendish is quite nice, since he’s a 5
point double action crew, who ALSO allows you to
have Pirate crew abilities on this ship. Throw the
no-cost crew ability on board and you’ve got a
nightmare to deal with if you stock it with the
right crew (Sac Captain anyone?) The cost on this
ship is just about right too, in fact, she seems a
tad undercosted to me.
Commons aren’t usually assessed for
their collectible value (unless there’s something
really special about them). This ship probably
won’t sell for more than a couple buck.
My Ratings
Playability 3 of 5
Collectability 2 of 5
Next time – Jade Rebels Crew-FERS WOO