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Piece of the Day
Janissaries' Blood
Barbary Corsairs - Barbary
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she
may move as a free action.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.11.06 |
ChaosReaper |
Janissaries' Blood -006
Hello to all! Im your new pirate piece of the day
reviewer, ChaosReaper. I apologize but this week, my
reviews are going to be somewhat short because there
isn't much to say about these.
Anyway, todays ship is a Rare Barbary Corsair ship
called the Janissaries' Blood. In itself,
its not a bad ship. 4 masts (two being 3L while the
others are 3S). 3 cargo space is meh, buts it isn't
meant for gold hauling. There are much better ships
as commons and uncommons that acomplish that. It
does mean not too many crew, but would you really
invest that much crew on this thing? A good solid
speed, and a 'reverse' captain effect. (meaning it
shoots, then moves).
But, the main problem with the Barbary Crosair ships
is that the sails are very big, preventing many
lines of fire, reducing its playability. But all the
Barbary Crosair ships are cool looking as
Playability: 2.5/5
Collectablility: 3.8/5
Richard |
Janissaries Blood
This is supposed to be the Corsairs’ ‘big hitter’ -
a proposition borne out by both the high points cost
(16), and the fact that (unlike most other galleys)
JB has 3-rank guns on all four masts, rather than
guns which get gradually worse as you work your way
astern. (Or should that be abaft?)
However, 3-rank guns actually aren’t that great –
they are just average. You only have a 50:50 chance
of hitting.
Now compare what 16 points generally buys the other
Yep, a big 5 masted gunship – usually with at least
a proportion of 2-rank cannon aboard. Or all two
rank cannon.
So, what about that ability then? Must be pretty
tasty, right?
Well, if the ability is taken at face value, it
really is very good indeed, and would be well worth
the extra points cost.
To recap, this ‘shoot then move’ ability was one of
the few genuine innovations included in POTBC,
adding a great new dynamic to the game, allowing a
free move after completing a shoot action.
So, theoretically, the few ships with this
distinctive ability would have a real edge, since
with a captain aboard, they would be capable of
moving, then shooting (and remember, the ‘move and
shoot’ combo was redefined under the FAQs as a free
shoot action which takes place after the move
action), and then moving away again, to attempt to
avoid suffering retaliation (into a handy fog bank,
So what’s the problem?
The problem is that the Wizkids official rules
arbitrator then ruled that the two abilities (move
and shoot + free move after shooting) could not be
used in combination. Allegedly, the intent was that
you exploit one or other ability, but not both
However, that AIN’T what it says on the card, and it
AIN’T what it says in the rules, so you may take the
view (and I couldn’t possibly comment) that this
smells a bit.
In summary, if you take that ability at face value,
then this is a pretty good ship - certainly as far
as the Corsairs go, who are under-endowed on the
gunship front.
But if not, then it’s only an average ship, since
‘shoot and move’ on its own, isn’t actually that
great an ability compared with ‘move and shoot’.
My rating: 3/5 – just about. Although if the ability
is taken at face value - 4/5.