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Piece of the Day
Desert Wind
Barbary Corsairs - Barbary
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within
S of her.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.30.06 |

WildWill |
Pirates of
the Barbary Coast Desert Wind #024
Name: Desert Wind
Card #s: 024
Rarity: Common
Type: Ship
Cost: 13 Points
Masts: 2
Cannons: 2S, 4S
Cargo: 4
Movement: 1S+1L
Faction: Barbary Corsairs
Ability –
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at
by ships within S of her.
Flavor Text -
The galley master has been told it
will be his life if the ship’s oarsmen ever miss a
beat, thus the uncanny ability of the Desert Wind to
close on ships even in battle.
Nice flavor text hunh? Sheesh, talk
about brutal. In any case, this little two-master
doesn’t do a whole lot for me. Sure, not being shot
at by ships within her own range makes things VERY
interesting, but she’s too pricey for a 2 master.
And she’s a Barbary Corsair, which at the moment is
probably the single most under-used faction. No I
don’t see playing her at all.
My Ratings
Playability 2 of 5
Collectability 2 of 5
Next time – New Crew-fers that are
actually worth playing! Who’d a thunk it.
ChaosReaper |
Desert Wind-
Hi all, and welcome to another Barbary Coast Week.
We start it of with the Barbary Crosair ship, the
Desert Wind. This ship is really just meh. Its got
those strange sails like all other crosairs, and its
2nd cannon is going to be unwieldy. Its point cost
is high for a 2-master. Its speed is good though,
and its effect is usefull to say the least. No ship
within S of this ship can fire at it. Its got
4-cargo space, so if you get a bunch of crew to give
it a lot of powerfull effects, and then quickly get
near an opponent's ship; You can effectivly force
your opponent to sail away just to blast you. Just
watch out for enemy ships with captains. That'll be
hard to use this tactic.
2.5/5 for playability
~PucKviruS |
Desert Wind
I apologize for my last review on the ship Eagle;
however you can look at it as a bonus that you got 2
reviews in one for the Spanish ship L'Aguila (which
translates to "The Eagle") Now onto today's review
of the Barbary Corsairs "Desert Wind". I'm not a
huge fan of this ship. It's got a really high point
value for a 2 mast ship. Although the ability Galley
and its ability to not being able to be shit by
ships within S of her makes this ship out to be a
decent treasure hauler. Combine that with its Cargo
Space of 4 and movement of S+L makes it suited for
that role. I wouldn't mind using this ship in a
sealed event tournament; but I might skip it over on
a constructed fleet.
My rating a 1.5/5, there are better treasure haulers
out there for less point cost.
Aethereal |
Desert Wind
A Barbary Corsair. That costs 13 points. And is a
Galley, obviously.
And only has 2 cannons, a 2S and a 4S. And only has
4 cargo slots. And has S+L movement. And has the
ability to dodge S-range cannons. Blah.
First off I would never pay 13 points for any
two-master. Second off, the cannons are crappy.
Third off, the ability isn't that helpful. It'd be
great if this ship had better cannons. Galley is a
good keyword, but it's on a terrible ship here.
Definitely skip this guy.
Rating: 2/5
M Einstein |
Desert Wind
Cargo: 4. An average space for a 13 pointer. It will
hold enough crew and some treasure. 3/5
Speed: S+ L great for a small ship. It is just
average if you are thinking of putting it in your
fleet. Good enough for a warship. 3.5/5
Cannons: 2S 4S. It will have about 1 hit per 2
cannons. It is a little inaccurate though.
Points: 13. Too much for a 2 mast. Too much in
general. 1.5/5
Effect: It is great for a warship, but with only 2
masts it is too wimpy. 2/5
Overall: 2.5/5 less than average