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Piece of the Day
USS Thomas Jefferson
American - South China Seas
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a
boarding party against a ship up to S away from her,
without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use
any boarding bonuses.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.22.06 |
Richard |
Thomas Jefferson
17 Points
Movement – L
Cannon – 2S, 2S, 2S, 2S, 2S
Cargo 5
Ability: As part of a move action, this ship may
initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S
away from her, without having to ram. The boarded
ship may not use any boarding bonuses
Each of the established factions (i.e. English,
Pirates, Spanish, French and Americans) gained a new
5-mast gunship in Pirates of the South China Seas.
Looks like the Americans came off best.
Some of the other new 5 masters have decidely ‘iffy’
guns, whereas the USS TJ has all best-in-class
2-rank cannon, albeit all short range which is a bit
of a downer. But still quite good.
5 cargo spaces is also good – plenty of room for a
captain, a helmsman (essential, given the standard
base move is just a single L), a couple of named
crew to add some real fizz, and the new 5-added
build points American hostage (yipee!) to pay for
some of this.
Add Brent Rice, and you can’t miss unless you roll a
17 points is quite dear, although all the American 5
masters are pretty pricey, and there are now at
least 6 to choose from. So unless you’re playing in
a really high points game, you are never really
likely to use more than 1 or 2 of these big boys (or
should that be girls?)
Enterprise is almost identical to USS TJ, but with a
much better ability (5 or 6 for a re-roll), whereas
USS TJ has one of those
practice abilities.
I mean, with a 5 master why would you not want to
ram? You'll never get a better chance of knocking
over a mast. And if you end up pinned, you've got
plenty of firepower to blast your way out of
Overall, she’s pretty good, but suffers just a
little by comparison with one or two of her
If I was assembling a 200 point American fleet for a
major naval action though, she’d be a shoo-in!
My Rating – 3.5/5. With a better ability and long
range guns she’d be excellent.