Masts: 2
Cargo: 4
Moves: L
Guns : 3L, 3L
Hit %: 100 (S), 100 (L)
Keyword: Galley.
Ability: L-range cannons can’t hit this ship.
The Otter (what an odd name for a pirate galley) is
an anomaly. Her cargo says "gold ship," but she's a
bit slow for that. Her ability says "fighting ship,"
but her cannons are just adequate, and she has only
two of them. The Galley keyword combines with the
cargo and ability to say "boarding ship," but two
masts isn't much help if you want to win your
boarding rolls.
If I were using her, I'd buy her a Captain and
Helmsman and try for all three at once. Once sped
up, she makes an okay gold ship, with two cargo
free. She also makes an okay fighter, and her
ability lets her pick on HMS Endeavor at will (try
that with your typical 2-master!). She could also
try boarding a small enemy ship if the chance
presented itself. As my ratings suggest, the Otter
is not exceptional in any role, but she's decent in
all of them. Hey, you could do worse.