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Piece of the Day
HMS Pacificum
English - Mysterious Islands
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2
instead if her opponent is a submarine.
- Ship
Collector's Number -
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 2.13.07 |
Cadet-Captain Mike
Name: HMS Pacificum
Card: MI #045 (Rare)
Points: 15
Faction: England
Masts: 5 (rating: 5 / 5)
Cargo: 4 (rating: 3 / 5)
Moves: S+S (rating: 3 / 5)
Guns : 3S,3S,2L,3L,4S (rating: 2.5 / 5)
Hit %: 250 (S), 117 (L)
Ability: This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
This ship seems to be built with one mission,
namely, fighting submarines. Her boarding bonus
virtually guarantees a win, since the biggest sub
has only three "masts," but you can't board a sub if
it won't stay on the surface. Put Professor Clive
DeFoe on board, and she can shoot submerged subs -
now she can rid the seas of those pesky submersible
pests no matter where they go. She can also carry
valuable crewpersons that you don't want to lose to
submarine attack; no sub skipper in his right mind
will choose to tangle with this brute. One such crew
might be Hermione Gold, the combination captain and
world-hater. Hermione is a good investment for the
Pacificum, whose odd mix of cannons need all the
help they can get.
Her speed is good for a big ship, her cargo is fair,
but I have to take off points for such a big ship
having such a limited role. She's a sub-killer, but
you can do better if you want an English five-masted
ship that can fight anything (HMS Titan, for
Total rating: 2.5 / 5
Sumpbeast |
must admit I came into the Pirates game a bit late
and I have learned much from WildWill and the other
Pojo reviewers. Let the others tell you what complex
combination of crew will make this five masted ship
a true beastie. I’m more concerned with her stats
straight out of the pack.
I am all for the HMS Pacificum. It is one of the
faster (or just the fastest) moving English gunships.
Mind you, a captain is still needed and a helmsman
would be an excellent addition. Decent guns let you
bring some punch when escorting the gold-runners.
Remember you don’t have to go all the way to the
island the runners are exploring so if the runners
are faster no problem. The 4S rear mast seems to me
like ablative armour.
I must admit I am not a fan of her special ability.
I guess it does give some defense against those
new-fangled submarines. But if I were a sub-captain
ready to board I’d be headed towards the gold
runners and away from this ship just because it has
five masts. Perhaps the speed is meant to catch up
with opposing submarines?
3.5 out of 5 for HMS Pacificum. All in all a good
cost for a bit of speed, toughness and just enough
fire power. The HMS Pacificum may be the biggest of
the new English ships, but her speed means she’s
definitely not a gorilla. I would bet she can put in
a good showing against any of her Mysterious Islands
counterparts. I’d play her in my English fleets;
then again I like the English ships.