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Piece of the Day
Name |

Zeus |
Type |
Ship |
Point Value |
23 |
Collector's Number
300 |
Rarity |
Limited Edition |
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 7.10.07 |
Cadet-Captain Mike |
Name: Zeus
Card: OE #300 (Limited Edition)
Points: 23
Faction: Pirates
Masts: 10 (rating: 5+ / 5)
Cargo: 7 (rating: 4.5 / 5)
Moves: L (rating: 2 / 5)
Guns : 3S x10 (rating: 5 / 5)
Hit %: 500 (S), 0 (L)
Link : King Blackheart
Keyword: Junk
Ability: If this ship wins a boarding party, she may
take as much treasure from the other ship as she can
The Zeus is the Ocean's Edge promo freebie; send in
your wrappers and receipts and get a free ship!
Anything free is worth what you paid for it, maybe
more. How does this big junk stack up?
The ten-masted ships (Guichuan and Baochuan are the
only others so far) are in a class by themselves.
They can win any boarding action they want to try.
The "take all the treasure you want" ability usually
isn't worth much because there aren't enough free
cargo slots to take advantage of it; Zeus does not
have that problem. In gunnery, she's beyond deadly,
as long as the enemy can be hit within S range. Her
sheer size can tell against her, though; if she rams
a ship, her hull is so long that some of her aft
guns will be out of range. The solution is to
maneuver so the aft guns can fire at something else.
The linked crew, King Blackheart, comes with this
ship. He's in the same league as the new Davy Jones,
a high-priced demigod who can give anything on the
map an extra action, even an enemy ship, if the dice
cooperate. 12 points is a lot, but you get a lot.
The only reason not to use him is if you can't
afford his cost.
Speaking of which, cost is the Zeus' only real
drawback. She's one of the most expensive ships in
the game, although she's a lot cheaper than the
other ten-masted junks, and seems to be just as
good. If you have this ship, use it! Load it with
crew (Captain, Helmsman, world-hater, Le Requin, and
Shipwright) and use it aggressively. The sheer
intimidation factor of ten masts is hard to beat,
and if she gets close enough to shoot... game over,
man, game over.
Total rating: 4.5 / 5
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