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Piece of the Day
Maman Brigitte
Piece Ratings:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 6.05.07 |
Cadet-Captain Mike |
Name: Maman Brigitte
Card: OE #003 (Uncommon)
Points: 12
Faction: Cursed
Masts: 4 (rating: 4 / 5)
Cargo: 5 (rating: 3.5 / 5)
Moves: S (rating: 1 / 5)
Guns : 5S,4S,4S,5S (rating: 1 / 5)
Hit %: 100 (S), 0 (L)
Ability: Once per turn, if this ship is touching
another ship, reveal all face-down treasure aboard
the other ship. This ship can take as much unique
treasure from the other ship as she can carry.
I liked yesterday's ship, the Divine Dragon. This
one, on the other hand, I hate. She is named for the
wife of Baron Samedi, a loa (spirit) of the voudun
(voodoo), and if I were her, I'd be very annoyed
that they'd used my name for such a wretched ship.
I'll start with the good news: her cargo capacity is
good. That's it.
Her speed is horrible, which is the kiss of death in
my rating system.
Her cannons are the worst I've seen since some of
those awful Barbary galleys, like the Marrakesh (4S,
5S, 6S). Her ability might be even more useless than
the "ignore terrain" ability, since she has to ram
or be rammed for it to work, and she's too slow for
ramming and too big to attract a ram. And how many
ships wind up with more than one unique treasure in
a typical game, anyway? Good ones, I mean.
If I may turn a song about war into a song about
this ship, "What is it good for? Absolutely
nothing!" I gave it a rating of 1 because they won't
let me give it a zero.
Total rating: 1 / 5 |
Vladsimpaler |
Maman Brigitte, 12 points
Masts: 4
Cargo: 5
Speed: S
Cannons: 5S 4S 4S 5S
Ability: Once per turn, if this ship is touching an
enemy ship, reveal all face down treasure aboard the
other ship. This ship can take as many unique
treasures from the other ship as this ship can
Sorry I haven't been on for a while, finals have
been my life for the past week or so. Anyway, on to
the new ship, Maman Brigitte. Hah, it was hilarious
when I pulled the Deliverance and my friend pulled
the Brigitte in our sealed. Pure carnage.
So anyway, what is Maman Brigitte? According to
Wikipedia is a death loa, the wife of Baron Samedi.
OOOooh...spooky. Too bad the ship stinks. Its
ability is useless because of its speed, not to
mention the ability is situational, its cannons
couldn't hit La Manila, and well, the ship stinks.
I'm sorry, there are ZERO redeeming qualities about
this ship. Undoubtedly the worst 4 master in the
game, and I would say the worst ship in the game.
Yeah, sure, it looks spooky.
Well, so does every other Cursed ship. My advice?
Don't use this ship.
If I could give it a 0, I would. But I can't, so I'm
going to give it a 1. You know, out of all the
horribly overpriced, useless Cursed ships I've seen,
this is the worst. Like I said, I give it a 1. |