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Pirate Piece of the Day

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Montreal (France)

Piece Ratings: 3.05

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 08.18.08

Cadet-Captain Mike

Name: Montreal (France)

Card: FS #051 (Uncommon)

Points: 11

Masts: 3

Cargo: 3

Moves: S+S

Guns : 3S,2S,3S

Hit %: 167 (S), 0 (L)

Ability: As part of a move action, this ship can initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship can’t use any boarding bonuses.


The Montreal is kind of a so-so ship, neither thrilling nor appalling.

Her cannons are decent for a small fighter, but not crushing. Her speed and cargo are average. Her ability can be useful, but many times, you WANT to ram, to knock a mast down and reduce the enemy's odds in the boarding action that follows. That makes her ability less useful than it looks.


To get the most out of the Montreal, I'd crew her with a Captain and Admiral Louis Cartier, who gives a +1 on boarding rolls and a 2nd action on a 5-6. Now you don't have to ram to gain a boarding advantage, and the 2nd action will give you some extra moving, shooting, and S-boarding. And you've got one cargo space free, in case the enemy gives you a treasure when you board him and win. Of course, this combination costs 21 points, which is a lot for only three masts.


The Montreal isn't a stunningly good ship, but she could make a real nuisance of herself, given the right crew. Use this to your advantage.

Put her in a fleet with something big and bad that will draw the enemy's full attention, and then when he's fully distracted, swing the Montreal into play and "poignardez-le dans le dos" (stab him in the back).


Goldship rating: 3.0 / 5

Gun Ship rating: 3.2 / 5

Boarding rating: 3.0 / 5

Value for points: 3.1 / 5

Draco Starcloud Montreal

We've got another helping of Fire and Steel ships for you this week, starting with a French vessel, the Montreal.

The flavor of today's boat is Boarding. She's got three masts, S+S base move, and she has the ability to board from S-away. While she's a good boat for boarding ships, she's not a good boat for going and picking up her own gold, because she only has three cargo spaces.

She has a slightly above-average mix of guns, two 3S and one 2S and since I didn't see anything in the WizKids FAQ saying you can't have two free actions per move action, you could use a captain to soften your targets before initiating a boarding.

The Montreal is a good boarder and a decent backup fighter. It could explore and find gold if you really wanted it to. For 11 points you get a decent value.

I give the Montreal a 3/5.

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