Name: Lagarto (Spain)
Card: FS #211 (Limited Edition)
Points: 7
Masts: 1
Cargo: 3
Moves: L
Guns : 3S
Hit %: 50 (S), 0 (L)
Ability: Once per turn, this ship
can randomly take one treasure from any ship she
Like the Morning Star, this ship
gets passed from faction to faction rather
frequently. In Spanish hands, she's a reasonable
(but not
thrilling) gold ship. You'd have
to be crazy to use her ability, except on derelicts;
one-masted ships tend to have very short life spans
when in very close range to just about anything. She
certainly isn't a fighter, either. And there are
plenty of decent Spanish gold ships in her price
range that give better value.
But this ship isn't bad. She just
isn't in the same league as many low-priced Spanish
ships. If you've got her, don't be afraid to give
her a try, but she's probably worth more unpunched,
as trade bait.
Rating: 3.1 / 5