Triple-S Speed Week's first ship is the Jade junk
Sea Tiger, a fairly colorful ship from the South
China Seas release.
At first glance, her maxed-out speed is all she has
going for her. To be sure, her cannons, cargo, and
ability are all less than stellar. But there's one
other stat that shines brightly: her low price tag.
Any ship you can get for six points will probably be
worth it, simply because it's so easy for a cheap
ship to earn her keep. The Sea Tiger will do this as
a gold runner. With her screaming speed, she can
easily manage two or three gold cruises in a typical
game, and even if all she ever finds is one-gold
coins, that's plenty to make her worth using.
The Jade Rebellion isn't famous for their gold
ships; it's the fighting junks, especially the big
ones, that get all the attention. That's fine for a
ship like the Sea Tiger. Let the six-masters draw
the enemy after them, while this little ship quietly
races back and forth, making you richer with each