Name: Concord (USA)
Card: RV #147 (Special Edition)
Points: 12
Masts: 4
Cargo: 4
Moves: L
Guns : 3L,3L,4L,4L
Hit %: 167 (S), 167 (L)
Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls
against Pirate ships.
The Concord was among the first of the
special-edition four-masters.
She's pretty average, especially compared to the
other American SE four-master from the Revolution
set, the devastating Franklin. Still, she has her
Her guns are barely adequate against most
enemies, so you won't want to use her if the Skull
and Crossbones aren't flying from your enemy's
jackstaff. Against Pirates, on the other hand, her
hit percentage shoots up to 233%, giving her a Gun
Ship rating of 3.5 and a value of 3.3. She has room
for the usual fighting crew, and she needs them to
be effective. But you might want to keep one or two
cargo spaces free; Pirates often carry gold, and
with four masts, you're in good shape to win
boarding actions and steal some of their treasure
for yourself.
I used the Concord in battle against Pirates
once, and she did quite well for herself; she even
outfought the bigger Black Swan. Your mileage may
vary. But if you're an American admiral and you
suspect that your enemy will be a Pirate, this would
be a very good choice for your fleet.
Goldship rating: 2.7 / 5
Gun Ship rating: 3.1 / 5
Boarding rating: 2.9 / 5
Value for points: 3.0 / 5
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