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Pirate Piece of the Day

Le Pluton

Piece Ratings: See Below

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 is average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - January
13, 2011

Cadet-Captain Mike Name:    Le Pluton (France)
Card:    SC #076 (Uncommon)
Points:  15
Masts: 4
Cargo: 5
Moves: L
Guns : 2S,3S,4S,2S
Hit %: 217 (S), 0 (L)
Ability: Schooner. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Oh, joy, a Frenchman with the S-board ability. Is there anything wrong with that? No, unless you dislike repetition; there are no less than six French ships and four crew with this ability. Those French mariners really must love swinging across open water on ropes, or maybe rowing across in small boats. Either way, it's a pretty common ability for the Tricolor.
A few red cannons would have been nice; even if you assume that this ship is going to be going for S-range most of the time anyway, some of her cannons may not be close enough at the end of her move. Cargo is very good; speed isn't. To use her properly, she needs a Captain and Helmsman. A worthwhile third crew would be Capitaine Arazure, who doubles the damage you do if you win your boarding action. And don't forget the Oarsman, who serves as your meat shield if you don't win your boarding action.
For a French fighter, you can do better; for one point more, you could take your pick of Le Superbe, La Ville de Paris, or Le Bonaparte (DJC), all excellent fighting ships. For a boarder, you might prefer La Marie Antoinette, pretty much equivalent to Le Pluton, for one point less.
Like a lot of mid-period ships, this one isn't bad, but she isn't great, either.
Goldship rating: 3.3 / 5
Gun Ship rating: 2.7 / 5
Boarding rating: 3.8 / 5
Value for points: 2.9 / 5

Name: El Pluton
Masts: 4
Cargo: 4
Speed: L
Firepower: 2S, 3S, 4S, 2S
Cost: 15pts
Ability: Schooner;  As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to  away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
We continue with a French schooner from South China Seas expansion. Again, she’s not cheap, but that seems to be a common place this week. So, what’s she good for. Again you need to concentrate on her ability. And that is boarding. Which is not an easily thing to do, because in brings you in direct conflict with the other ship. For me boarding happens at the end of an engagement. Not because it’s planned, more so as an extra. Taking gold is a hard way to make it pay. But boarding to kill crew can be an effective, final strike to subdue that enemy gunship.
El Pluton can certainly do that. Now, she’ll need crew. First off you have to decide whether or not to have a captain. Not strictly necessary, but you do have three good cannons which could help bash down a few masts before you go in. A helmsman to bring that speed up in case you need a fast get-a-way. Remember, no need to get any closer then S, so no need to get pinned. An oarsman in case the boarding goes pair shaped.  Not forgetting named crew options. Capitaine Arazure, allows you to choose two options for the outcome. Eliminate a crew, a mast and/or nick gold. Or for the whole hog, Jordan Dumas-OE. Gives you a re-roll for the boarding and allows you to use other folk’s crew. This is where you could plug that gap which the French have. The Spanish Inquisitor for example will allow you to kill all of the other ships crew, (very powerful ability).
Whatever the crew choice the final cost wouldn’t be cheap. But if you do successfully target a big enemy gunship, full of expensive crew. You’ll be sure to cripple her, then that’ll be points well spent.
The costs;
Masts: 2pts
Cargo: 2pts
Speed: 2pts
Guns: 2.16pts
Ability: 6.9pts
Gunship rating: 3.0/5
Gold ship rating: 2.0/5
Support rating: 3.0/5
Value rating: 2.5/5
Overall rating: 2.6/5
Value rating:

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