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From a beginner's view
What you should know before blowing off this amazing game
A beginner's insight by:
I started playing the
game of Pirates about a month of two ago. I had remembered
hearing about it on the Pojo.com forums, and saw a pack at
my local supermarket.
The thing that first caught my eye was the fact that you
could play a simple game of Pirates with only ONE game pack!
I gathered up a friend right away, and was in love with the
game ever since.
Mind you, there were some things along the way that threw me
off track a bit. Not necessarily the rulings, but exactly
how to delve into this CSG when there were already two sets,
and I didn't necessarily think I would have a chance at this
game, since most games require you to buy packs and packs
and packs of their newest sets to even stand a chance at the
I figured I was doomed. Suckered into spending all my money
on this game that I would never do well at anyway.
Well, this is where I start my points.
1.) Pirates of the Spanish Main does not require
hundreds of dollars to have a good fleet. Don't let that
assumption scare you away from the game.
Sure, you CAN spend that much money on the game, but I've
only bought about
15 packs of the game, and I can hold up against my friend's
fleet, who has been playing MUCH longer than I.
Another thing that worried me about this game was the fact
that these things look REALLY fragile, but trust me, most
breaks and snaps, which are extremely rare if you take good
care of your ships, are nothing a little nail polish or
super glue can't take care of.
Now then, I realized I could have a decent fleet and save my
ships from total destruction, but next there was the looming
question, with so many different things to collect, won't
this game be extremely confusing?
There's named crew, regular crew, treasure ships, points,
cargo, and all this other stuff that I knew NOTHING about.
The answer? No.
2.) Pirates of the Spanish Main is a very simple game
to learn.
Don't let the assumption that it ISN'T drive you away.
I realized that every little aspect of this game tied neatly
into a very simple game plan. For more specific information
on how the game plays, you can check out
Captain WildWill's Intro
to Pirates, or check out the
Pirates official site!
Okay. Easy to obtain, easy to save, easy to play. I was on
my way to being a big fan. But there were two more things I
wasn't sure about.
One of them was, how do I know what ships to use? There's 5
nationalities, all different point values, and only so many
points allowed.what do I do?!
I want some crew, I want some forts, I want good ships, but,
how do I do it?
Well, to answer your question, you need to try and balance
it out.
Don't use a crew with an effect that you like if it won't
help you in the game you're in.
Try to balance out your ships- three will usually do it in a
thirty point game, even two sometimes. If you use too many,
you won't have enough points left over for forts and crew,
to help you and your sea dogs along their journey to the
In the end, it all comes down to this.
3.) Simple logic will guide you on your way to the
best-balanced fleet.
Okay. I'm ready to battle. I know everything I need to know.
I'm using logic to tell me what ship does what, et cetera et
Only one problem left.
I need more pieces!
Yes, it is bound to happen to all of us. We will play so
much that we realize, hey, that piece would fit in quite
Once again, have no fear. There are a few good ways to
obtain ships safely within your budget.
One of them is to trade online. There are many forums that
allow trading, and in these forums you can give up the ships
and pieces you don't need for the ones you do.
Then, of course, there's online. If you look, you can find
packs for almost a dollar under retail, or you can find
boxes that will save you up to FORTY dollars if you were to
buy those packs separately.
What's it all come down to?
4.) When in doubt, there's always a way to get the
stuff you want within your budget.
These are all the problems I ran into while I was learning
the game, and I hope my sharing my beginner's view with you,
it will better enable you to get into this amazingly fun
Until next time, I hope to see you on the Spanish Main.
~ sixersballernum3
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