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Pirates of the Spanish Main/Crimson Coast Photo Essay
William ‘Cap’n WildWill’
Everything you need in ONE pack of cards –
Two Ships, One Island, One Crew Card, One Die. A complete
game in every pack.
The Revenant, scourge of the Spanish Main. Comes on three
separate cards.
Five Masted Ships are all rare.
Ships are really easy to build, snap out the pieces from the
cards and put them together!
Here we see a typical Pirates set up (actually this playing
surface is a tad smaller than you really want). The rules
state you need to have all your islands placed at least 2 L
bars apart, and no more than 4 from any one island.
Here's Player 1's fleet setup. They have the 9 point
Adventure, the 13 point 5 Master Revenant, and a 3 point
Fort. Forts aren’t built until the game is underway. To
round out her 30 point fleet, she has an explorer and an
helmsman on the Adventure (crew cards are placed upside down
until they use their ability)
This is player two's opening set up. He's got the 13 point
Roanoke, the 6 point Snipe and a lot of crew.
Player two's opening move, measuring out movement uses the
cards that the ships come on. Note - Pojo.com T-Shirt not
available in stores.
The second part of the Roanoke's move
Player 1 moving the Revenant into position. Notice the Fort
is now in place, and the Adventure is docked at the wild
Looks like a fight is a brewing!
Checking to see if my ship is in range (mine is the one on
the bottom). Cannon one? Nope.
Cannon two? Aargh matey, Fire Cannons!
Checking on Cannon #5, not in range. Even if it were, my
other ship, the Snipe is in the way.
Figure 1 This is a home-made island, one of six I made out
of Crayola modeling compound, spray paint, some flocking,
little pebbles, balsa for the base, and one of my old ships
glued together and cut apart to look ship-wrecked
Figure 2 Another of the home-made islands. That thing in the
middle is supposed to be a volcano.