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in the market, so to speak…”
Cap’n William ‘WildWill’ Noetling
She was a good ship,
solid, no problems with the rigging or the sails. But her
hull was like paper, and even the weakest cannon shot caused
problems. Solution? Buy a new vessel. But what type to
purchase? Today we’re going to look at the existing
varieties of ships available in the game, and check out an
example of each.
One Masters are the cheapest points total wise, but can be
difficult to obtain, since all one-masted ships are Rares.
Currently they range in price from 2 points (The Rover and
The Mermaid) to a whopping 17 for the Le Solitaire. My
personal favorite is the Rover, which is a 2-point Pirate
ship. She has 2 cargo slots and moves 1 S + 1L, which is
quite fast for a little one master. She also has one L
cannon Sure you can’t put a captain on board, but a well
placed crew member, such as a Musketeer or a Helmsman will
add greatly to her power. I use her in combination with the
five masted beauty The Revenant (more about her later), to
block the line of fire to my big gunship. They come on one
Two Masters will be your most common vessels out there, but
just because they are abundant, does not mean you should
necessarily utilize them. Finding the one or two that is
perfect for your fleet should not be too tough. Typically,
they have at least two movement segments (that means they
move an S + L or S+S), so they are speedy, but with only two
guns, they are not going to be much of a match for the
larger ships. They are cheap though, the lowest cost is 4
points for the Carrion Crow and the Venture (both from
Spanish Main), and the highest is 13 for the HMS Lady
Provost. Averaging a whopping 7.5 points, there is usually
room in your fleet for a two-master, but the question is, do
you really want to use one? Two masters come on two cards.
There are now three different types of three masted ships,
the first two are standard vessels, and the third is a new
ship type from Crimson Coast called a “schooner”. Schooners
are much more maneuverable than other ships, and can “come
about” at the end of every movement. Four masted schooners
will appear in the next expansion as well. Besides being
fast, Schooners can be quite deadly. They typically have
decent gun levels and lower point costs.
The two standard three masted vessels only differ in the
shape of the ships. The first type has three standard masts
and costs between 6 and 13 points, with an average of 9.4.
These ships are only found in Spanish Main, and do not
appear in Crimson Coast. The other type of three masters has
two large masts and a jib up front. These better-stocked
ships also cost more, from 8 points to 17, with an average
of 11.7. However, for that you get much better guns and more
cargo, plus better special abilities. All three masters come
on two cards.
Four masted ships are all uncommon, and are solid vessels.
If you do not have any rares yet, your four masted vessels
will end up being your gunship. They cost between 9 and 22
points and average out at about 12. Higher cargo room will
also make these guys your treasure haulers, especially the
10-point Darkhawk II which has a cargo hold of 8 points.
Load that bad boy up with a helmsman and an explorer and you
have the perfect treasure hauler. Four masted ships come on
three cards.
Lastly, we are going to look at the big daddies, the five
masters. All five masters are rares and come on three cards.
Unlike most other trading card games, you are not guaranteed
a rare card in every pack; you will be lucky if you pull one
out of every two packs. However, the nice thing is, when you
pull a one masted rare, you also pull a character rare or a
treasure rare.
Five masters are the powers in the Spanish Main or on the
Crimson Coast. The cheapest is the El Neptuno, which goes
for 12 points. The most expensive is the hefty El Acorazado
and El Garante; both Spanish jefes cost 21 points. There is
also an American 5 master, the Roanoke, which is a VERY Rare
(meaning maybe one in a box). In the next expansion, Pirates
of the Revolution there will be one that goes for more than
26 points making her the single most expensive ship in the
So there you have it, all the ship types currently
available. When you are building your fleet, make sure you
keep a good balance between gunships and treasure haulers,
unless your strategy depends on one or the other. It sure is
fun to have a fleet of nothing but gunboats and not
bothering with treasure.
Keep checking the new Pojo site for more information on this
awesome game, and we want to hear from you too! Got an idea
for a scenario, a good fleet build, special combos and
strategies? Send them on in! The wind is at our backs, and
there’s calm seas ahead matey!