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Review of the Unique Treasures Available in Pirates
Part 1 of 3
Cap’n William ‘WildWill’ Noetling
Ahh, unique treasures, the bane of many a sailor’s
existence. Some are fantastically playable, others are
fantastically broken. For the next few days I’ll take a look
at all the unique treasures available thus far, and tell you
which ones you should play and which ones you should get rid
Unique treasures are tricky to play, and can backfire on you
if you either a) forget which island you placed them on, or
b) your opponent gets them first! I’ll list the treasure’s
ability, my comments, and the price you should pay for these
bad boys on the open market!
Card # |
Name |
Effect |
Commentary |
Hi $ |
Lo $ |
T-001 |
Shipping Charts |
Once per turn,
this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any
ship. |
There’s a trend
in treasures of the Spanish Main, they duplicate
crew/ship abilities for no cost. (Remember Unique
Treasure take up no cargo spaces). I’m not real big
on treasures that duplicate crew powers. |
4 |
1 |
T-002 |
Marksman's Map |
Once per turn,
this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any
island. |
ANOTHER treasure
that duplicates a crew ability. See above. |
3 |
1 |
T-003 |
Forged Papers |
This ship gains
the Explorer special ability. |
While there isn’t
anything intrinsically wrong with this treasure,
it’s just not that playable. Since explorers only
cost 1 point anyway, wasting a treasure spot on this
one just doesn’t make a lot of sense. |
4 |
1 |
T-004 |
Homemade Flag |
All cannon ranges
are reduced to S, when attacking this ship. |
Another treasure
that duplicates a crew ability. Again, if you have
the crew that does the same thing as this treasure,
wasting a treasure token isn’t very wise. On the
other hand, if you don’t, this treasure can be
really useful for your gunboat. |
3 |
1 |
T-005 |
Rum |
Do not give this
ship an action the turn after loading rum. Rum is
worth gold equal to 6 minus the number of crew
aboard this ship when rum was loaded. |
Rum is one of the
BEST treasures in the game, and as you can see, is
very desirable in pretty much any game. If you have
it, use it. |
2 |
1 |
T-006 |
Plague |
All crew on this
ship are removed. When this ship touches any other
ship, pass this treasure to that ship and the crew
on that ship are now removed. While in possession of
the scurvy treasure this ship cannot dock. |
Now HERE’s a
treasure that you want to use as an offensive
maneuver. No matter what you do, you don’t want to
take it yourself, so REMEMBER where you put it. Or
try to anyway. Plague is one of the nastiest
treasures in the game, and rightfully so. Be
6 |
2 |
(LE) |
Ghostly Encounter |
Once after a ship
loads Ghostly Encounter, roll a d6 for each crew on
the ship. On a result of 1, eliminate that crew (it
dies of fright.) Ghostly Encounter is worth gold
equal to the crew remaining on the ship (due to the
tales they will tell.) |
One of my
favorite cards for flavor and collectability, since
it’s a tournament prize LE with Silver Coins,
(meaning ALL your coins in the entire game have to
be silver), it just doesn’t get much use. Good thing
they reprinted it in the Crimson Coast set! |
10 |
4 |
Of the six regular treasures in Spanish Main, only two of
them are playable in my opinion, Rum and Plague. I wouldn’t
play Plague all that much either. Rum was a widely popular
item when it first came out last year, but has cooled off
since then. The tournament prize LE Ghostly Encounter is the
most desirable of all of these treasures, and can set you
back as much as a sawbuck (that’s $10 to you
whippersnappers) on EBay. It also regularly trades for a 5
masted rare.
(to be continued matey ...) |