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Pojo's Pirates news, tips, strategies and more! | |||||
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Pojo's Pirates Main Page News Archive 2005 Friday, December 30, 2005 We close out the 05 Pirate Pieces of the Day with a little holiday style review of the Pirates of the North Pole set containing the craft Sleigh captained by ol' Whitebeard himself. WildWill has this one. See ya' next year maytee! Friday, December 23, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the nocturnal gold bug Tiger’s Breath from the Jade Rebellion. WildWill and Aethereal both have reviews. Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Pirates of the South China Seas Sneak Peek is now finally up at WhizKids! Our Pirate Piece of the Day is another sneak peak from Jade Rebellion. We look the crew member Zheng Li Kwan. Aethereal and WildWill have a review. Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Wild Will drops anchor in The Pirate's Cove. The Capt'n brings us his fourth in a series of articles examining treasure. Check out his booty -- that's Pirate talk for treasure. This week we take sneak peaks at the New Jade Rebellion peices. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the junk Black Lotus. Aethereal and WildWill have a review. Wednesday, December 7, 2005 Oui! Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a French twist crew-fer two-fer from the Barbary Coast set. We have the crafty and resourceful Khalid Youssef and Benoit de Marseillies with his alliances to Malta. Richard and WildWill both have reviews. Tuesday, December 06, 2005 Corsairs, prepare to be boarded! Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the French galley le St. Denis of the Barbary Coast set. I M Einstein and WildWill both have reviews.
December 2, 2005 The fine
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Wizkids sent us a Press Release regarding a new licensing deal for Scenario Books. The newsflash is in our News Section today. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a crew-fer two-fer of rough and ready Americans from the Barbary Coast set. We have the craggy Brent Rice and the distinguished Commander Steven Decatur. Monday, November 28, 2005 It's America week. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the no nonsense, American schooner Intrepid of the Barbary Coast set. Wild Will and Aethereal both have reviews. Friday, November 25, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Spanish galley pledged to the Knights of Malta the Alonso de Orozco of the Barbary Coast set. Aethereal and Wild Will have reviews. Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Our holiday hump-day, crew-fer 2-fer Pirate Pieces of the Day are both Spanish members of the Barbary Coast set. We have Duque Marcus Vacarro and Admiral Alarcio Castro and Wild Will, Richard and Aethereal have reviews. Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Corsairs beware! Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the relentless Spanish schooner Granada of the Barbary Coast set. Aethereal, Richard and Wild Will all have reviews. We've also back posted a few of Will's reviews for last week that got lost in the shuffle. Friday, November 18, 2005 We have information on the HeroClix Collector’s Club, a program designed to support traditional brick-and-mortar gaming stores by offering customers who purchase from those stores opportunities to purchase special collector’s pieces. More info is in our News Section today. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is Tripoli -- another slippery little galley from the Barbary Corsairs of the Barbary Coast set. Aethereal has a review. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 The hump-day, crew-fer 2-fer Pirate Piece of the Day is all about specialists. We have 2 that appear in multiple Nations and multiple Sets. We look at Firepot Specialist and Smokepot Specialist -- and, no, they are NOT bringing new meaning to term the "high" seas! They're artillery operators. Aethereal has a review. Tuesday, November 15, 2005 We try and get back on track with our Pirate Piece of the Day. Today, it's the fine and deadly art of surprise with the Barbary Pirates galley Silent Death of the of the Barbary Coast set. Aethereal has a review. Monday, November 07, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the galley Barbary Corsairs' ship Tunis of the of the Barbary Coast set. Aethereal has a review. Friday, November 04, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a late crew-fer two-fer examining the mates of the Barbary Corsairs from the Barbary Coast set. We look at Dragut, the multi-disciplinary Moorish fighter, and Aruj Barbarossa, the swarthy father of the Corsairs. Tuesday, November 01, 2005 A new crew member from the English set himself joins the fray so we'll let him review one of Her Majesty's deadliest ships to get the cannonball rolling. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is HMS Leicester. Richard has a review. Monday, October 31, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is our first foray into the new Barbary Corsairs, Barbary Coast Set. We open with the low drafting galley Nubian Prince. Wild Will has a review. Wednesday, October 26, 2005 We could use more volunteers on our Pirate Pieces of the Day section. If you play Pirates of the Spanish Main, and want to help out others by volunteering, just drop us an email. ;-) Pirates of the Barbary Coast Releases - October 26, 2005 (SEATTLE) — WizKids Inc. is proud to announce the release of the newest stand-alone expansion for Pirates, Pirates of the Barbary Coast. P
Pirates of the Barbary Coast continues the exciting nautical
fun of other Pirates expansions without sacrificing the
game’s simplicity and elegance,” said Mike Samora, vice
president of Sales and Marketing for WizKids. “Everything
that makes Pirates a continued success is here: a complete,
easy to learn game in every pack, with unique additions just
for this release.” Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the crew-fer two-fer consisting of the one legged, hard drinkin', story tellin' pirate known only as The Stump and the dangerously reckless and pining English nobleman Commodore Temple. Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Crimson Coast set's slippery schooner Le Mercure zipping through enemy lines. Aethereal has a review. WildWill checks in with some Pirates News for you today:
"Gale Force Nine has received the license to sell
official terrain pieces for several WizKids games,
including Pirates! Their website
gf9.com now shows prototype pictures of the six
island set that will be on sale in December, for a
retail price of $29.99.
Also, more exciting news! Pirates of the South China
Seas will be the FIFTH stand-alone expansion (they're
all stand-alone expansions BTW, but they are fully
backward compatible) for Pirates. This time focusing on
the Asian aspects of naval warfare. The newest faction
will be the deadly Jade Empire! Check it out
here, and look for this set in February.
Don't forget, Pirates of the Barbary Coast hits stores
Friday, October 21, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate fort Dead Man's Point nestled among the dangerous reefs of Tortuga waiting patiently to seize upon the unsuspecting and slow moving cargo vessels. Aethereal has a review. Wednesday, October 19, 2005 Our crew-fer 2-fer Pirate Piece of the Day examines the seemingly foppish French courtier Maurice Aristide and the exotic beauty of Lady Baptiste. Aethereal has a review. Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Revolution set's war ship Bonhomme Richard commanded by the historic John Paul Jones. Aethereal has a review. Monday, October 17, 2005 Another teaser of Pirates of the Barbary Coast is on tap today. Jeez! Just release it already! Wednesday, October 12, 2005 Wizkids is giving out another little sneak peak at their new Pirates of the Barbary Coast set due out soon. Friday, October 07, 2005 Wizkids posted Pirates of the Barbary Coast Sneak Peek #4 last night. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the speedy and quiet treasure hunting 1 master Banshee's Cry of the Revolution set. Aethereal has a review. Wednesday, October 05, 2005 The hump-day, crew-fer 2-fer Pirate Piece of the Day starts with the slashing Joaquin Vega of the Spanish Main set and ends with the lowly scoundrel "Don" Pedro Gilbert of the Revolution set. Aethereal and I M Einstein each have a set of reviews. Monday, October 03, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the slippery Cajon flavored French schooner Le Lyon of the Revolution set. Aethereal has a review. Saturday, October 01, 2005 We moved to a new server last week so that interrupted our fun for a day or two. We also changed many of our emails. So, please, before you send us anything, double check that you have our newest contact info. Thanks. It's quiet out there.... yeah....too quiet. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the deadly silent Spanish schooner El San Salvador of the Crimson Coast set. Aethereal has a review. Wednesday, September 28, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the hump-day, crew-fer two-fer. Under the Union Jack we have the "amnesiatic" Robinson of the Revolution set. Stirring up the soot is the Englishman Carbon Charlie and the cannon forging expertise he brings to Spanish Main set. Wild Will and Aethereal have reviews. Monday, September 26, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the reclaimed Spanish ship killer Asesino de la Nave of the Spanish Main set. Pippin, WildWill and Aethereal have reviews. Friday, September 23, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the fiesty and able French fort Paradis de la Mer of the Revolution set. Aethereal and Wild Will have reviews. We also pipe aboard a new hand. Topnwe has brought us a couple of reviews this week, so, be and check those out too. Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the regular crew-fer two-fer. We start with the ever so popular Southern Gentleman Jean Laffite who is honored with a bounty on his head from all available hosts. Next is the distinguished and sought after Frenchman Capitaine Gason de St. Croix. Wild Will and Aethereal have reviews. Monday, September 19, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the regal French warship Le Dauphin Royal of the Crimson Coast set. Aethereal and Wild Will have reviews.
Well, shiver me timbers, it's finally dropped anchor -- Talk
Like a Pirate Day is here! You can get some pirate lingo
basics right here at
website fer talkin' like a pirate. It has pirate name
generators, translators, songs, books and more. If you have
a local talk like a pirate party you can send them your
pirate picts.
Science is hard to argue with. Friday, September 16, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the savage and nimble American 1 master Chesapeake of the Revolution set. Aethereal, IM and WildWill have reviews. Ah Hooooooy! Talk like a Pirate Day just off the port bow! Thursday, September 15, 2005 News from WildWill: Wizkids has posted Barbary Coast Sneak Peak # 3. "Cap'n WildWill doesn't think too much of these sneaks....Wolves is the only piece that has any new mechanics on it." Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a crew-fer two-fer three-fer today. We join the not so happy-go-lucky Gunn family as they seek to fulfill their vendetta of revenge against the Spanish navy and the not likely to be elected prom queen Hag of Tortuga. Wild Will and Aethereal have reviews. Tuesday, September 13, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the slippery and vaporous 3 masted Roanoke of the American set. Aethereal and Pippin have reviews.
September 09, 2005 Aaaarrggh matey's, the
Pirates be taking a couple days off from the reviewing and
such. There's a few towns on the Barbary Coast that have
needed a good sacking and pillaging, and WildWill's crew
just had to take up the challenge. To make up for it, we'll be put together a
special crew-fer two-fer review of Robinson and Carbon
Charlie, two crew chosen by our message board member
Topnwe. Then for the next two weeks we'll be doing YOUR
choices from our message board polls. And don't forget September 19th is "International Talk Like a Pirate Day." Also anyone planning on going as Pirates for Halloween are welcome to send in pictures...we'll probably do a contest!" Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the English schooner HMS Nautilus of the Revolution set manned by a lethal and hard core tory crew. Aethereal and WildWill have reviews. Monday, September 05, 2005 We have a clever custom scenario in our Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section. ChaosReaper brings us Blockade Breaker. Friday, September 02, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the slippery English schooner HMS Oxford of the Revolution set seeking out forts to vanquish. Aethereal and Wild Will have reviews.
August 31, 2005 Avast ye mateys! We still
be lookin' fer ideas on which Ships and Crew to be reviewin'.
So if you'll muster over at these two threads:
Port one &
Port Two and let us know which game pieces ye'd be
wantin' to review, we'd be more than thankful! We have a quick custom scenario in our Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section from ~Topnwe. Hurricane Katrina has affected some of our review staff. They've had to batten down their hatches for a bit, but hopefully they'll be back safe and sound very soon. Our Crew-Fer Two-Fer Pirate Piece of the Day today consists of two dark and murky, English, scaly-wags from the Crimson Coast set. The secretive and resourceful Administror Scott Bratley and the strict and cruel Captain Percival Blake. Aethereal and Pippin have reviews. Tuesday, August 30, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the nimble French gun ship La Ville de Paris of the Crimson Coast set. Pippin, I M Einstein, Wild Will and Aethereal both have reviews. Friday, August 26, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a Super Sized Crew-Fer Two-Fer. This time we look at multiple versions of the the dark and evil El Fantasma. And, misty Ghost Crew. WildWill has a review of each. Thursday, August 25, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the much feared Pirate ship Harbinger of the Spanish Main set. Pippin and WildWill both have reviews. Monday, August 22, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the American Schooner Julius Caesar of the Revolution set. Pippin and WildWill both have reviews. Friday, August 19, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is Fort Brompton. The English garrison from the Crimson Coast set. Wild Will, Aethereal, I M Einstein and Pippin all have reviews. Avast Ye!!! Attention all Pirates - We want to know what game pieces YOU want to see reviewed in the Pirates Piece of the Day reviews. And in order to bribe you to get your opinion (we are Pirates after all), we're willing to give away a specially autographed game piece to one lucky Pojoer. So check out this thread in our message boards, and good luck! Thursday, August 18, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is our Crew-Fer Two-Fer. This time we look at Two versions of the swarthy Jack Hawkins. Regular and Captain variety. And, the sultry English Countess Diana Doone. WildWill, Aethereal and Pippin have reviews. Tuesday, August 16, 2005 Our evil Pirate Piece of the Day is the ghostly pirate ship Deliverance of the Crimson Coast. Wild Will, Aethereal and Pippin all damn themselves to a review. Friday, August 12, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Spanish Fort Fortaleza Dorada of the Revolution set. Wild Will, Aethereal and I M Einstein all have reviews. Jack puts creativity to keyboard and crafts a few electronic custom islands for our Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section. Kevin Nicholls sent in a Game Variation idea. We posted this in our new Tips section today. Thursday, August 11, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is our Crew-Fer Two-Fer. Today it's a cast iron pair from the gun decks. We look at the crusty Diego Cesar Olano, and the obsessed Master Gunner Rogelio Vazquez. WildWill, and I M Einstein have reviews. And, we pipe aboard Pippin as newest our reveiwer.
August 09, 2005 And, just 40 more days to
go until International Talk Like a Pirate Day --- Aaaargh!
Friday, August 05, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate ship Star of Siam of the Revolution set. Wild Will has a review. Thursday, August 04, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a Crew-Fer Two-Fer. We look at the Pirates Wesley and Chainshot Specialist. WildWill has a review. Tuesday, August 02, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate ship Asp of the Revolution set. Wild Will has a review. Friday, July 29, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is Old Ironsides! No... we're not reviewing Raymond Burr. It's the unsinkable ruler of the Atlantic the USS Constitution. The high seas guardian of liberty and the pride of the fledgling United States Navy. I M Einstein and Wild Will have a review of this American ship from the Revolution set. Will also points you towards info on the real USS Constitution which still sails today. Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is our hump-day Crew-Fer Two-Fer. Today it's the legendary American hero, John Paul Jones, and, the pious Spanish Inquisitor Sebastián Blanco. I M Einstein and WildWill all have reviews. Tuesday, July 26, 2005 In our Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section you can sail off to another exotic port of call if you dare. Jason Reeves puts Island of the Tiki Tookie Tribe on the map. Complete with a volcano and sacrificial bridge no doubt used by the mysterious isles savage inhabitants. Monday, July 25, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate ship the Darkhawk II of the Spanish Main set. I M Einstein and Wild Will have reviews. Friday, July 22, 2005 Our TGIF Pirate Piece of the Day is HMS Dreadnought of the Revolution set. Wild Will and Newbulous have reviews. Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is hump-day, crew, two-fer. We look at Sir Christopher Myngs, an English ruffian from the Spanish Main set. And, Commodore Rhys Gryffin Owen, an officer of the King's Navy from the Crimson Coast set. I M Einstein, The Great Fuzzball, Newbulous and that scallywag WildWill all have reviews. Monday, July 18, 2005 With our Pirate Piece of the Day we kick of English week. The HMS Titan hoists a 5 star rating flying the Union Jack from the Spanish Main set. Wild Will and I M Einstein have reviews. Jason Reeves sends us his detailed Port Royal Custom Island for Pirates for our Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section. Friday, July 15, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the L'Orient setting sail from the Crimson Coast set under the tri-color. Newbulous, Wild Will, and IM Einstein all close out French week with their reviews. Wednesday, July 13, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is another Crew Two-Fer -- a Crewfer if you will. We check out Vicomtesse Angelique de Richelieu and Father Rene Bordeaux. Wild Will, Newbulous, and I M Einstein have reviews. Monday, July 11, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Le Soleil Royale sailing under the French flag in the Revolution set! Wild Will, Yoyoboy, Newbulous and I M Einstein have reviews. Pirates of the Crimson Coast Honored By Dr. Toy. Details in the News. Friday, July 08, 2005 Remember, if you are looking for a little help with your fleet, we have two Fleet Mechanics ready to assist you in their Fleet Garages: Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the ship Saratoga from the Revolution set. Wild Will, I M Einstein and Newbulous have reviews. Thursday, July 07, 2005 A little announcement in our News Section. Pirates and Mage Knight took top prizes At Origins. Wild Will brings us an article about Events in Pirates. Check out Mermaids, Divers and Foul Winds -- Events in Pirates of the Revolution in The Pirate's Cove. Wednesday, July 06, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is a Pirate Two-Fer. We look at two crew members today. Commander Albert Crenshaw and King George. Both from the Revolution set. Wild Will and Newbulous all have reviews. We have an article on Statistics and Probability when the Shooting Starts by I.M. Einstein in The Pirate's Cove. And, we have our first Pirate Top 10 sent in by Jason Reeves. The Top 10 ways to tell if you are Pirate Worthy. I think number one is, you read Pojo.com's Pirates! Tuesday, July 5th, 2005 We unveil a brand new section today. And thanks to Jason Reeves and one or our card reviewers, I M Einstein, we have something to put in there. We've created a Pirates of the Spanish Main Customs section. Jason has created a cool Skull Island Hideway and I M brings us a Custom Game Scenario - The American Revolution. Check 'em out. If you've done something cool, feel free to send us a photo and a story. ;-) Speaking of sending stuff to us, it just dawned on me today, that you guys had no way to contact us. I tossed up a Contact Us page if you want to send us anything. We'd love to hear your News, Tips, Top 10 Lists, Customs ... whatever. Our Pirates section is so new, we don't have a lot in here just yet. We can use your help. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the American ship Enterprise. No, not the star ship, the ship ship -- from the Revolution set. Wild Will, Yoyoboy67, I M Einstein and Newbulous have reviews. Friday, July 01, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Spanish ship El Acorzado from the Spanish Main set! Wild Will, Yoyoboy67, I M Einstein, Lord Fiend, The Great Fuzzball and Newbulous all have reviews. Thursday, June 30, 2005 Fuzzball , one of our Piece of the Day reviewers, is starting up a Fleet Garage. If you're trying to put together a fleet of your own and you'd like some help with it, check out Fuzzball's Fleet Fixes and get some advice. Capt'n Wild Will closes out out his series of articles on the Unique Treasures Available in Pirates with Part 3, The Treasures of the Revolution (9 Rare). Check it out, in The Pirate's Cove. Wednesday, June 29, 2005 We received a Press Release today from WizKids about a new Promotion they are running whereby you can receive limited edition game pieces and special Pirates collectables! Details are in our News Section today. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the crew member Contessa Anita Amore from the Crimson Coast. Wild Will, Newbulous, Lord Fiend and The Great Fuzzball have reviews. And, we add one more crew member of our own, I M Einstein joins the review staff. Capt'n Wild Will has Part 2 of his extended article examining the Unique Treasures Available in Pirates. Today, it's Treasures of the Crimson Coast (9 RARE 2 LE) in The Pirate's Cove. Tuesday, June 28, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Spanish schooner La Santa Isabela from the set Revolution! Wild Will and Yoyoboy67 check in, and we pipe aboard a few new crew members. Newbulous, Lord Fiend and The Great Fuzzball charter their maiden voyage reviews. Capt'n Wild Will is in The Pirate's Cove with Part 1 of an article examining the Unique Treasures Available in Pirates. Join him as he "Sells His Soul For Some Pieces O’ Eight"! 82 days and counting until International Talk Like a Pirate Day! You can keep track of it at talk like a pirate dot com. Friday, June 24, 2005 Avast! Our first week of Pirating is about to dock! Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate ship Rover from Crimson Coast! Wild Will and Yoyoboy67 have a review. Thursday, June 23, 2005 Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate crew member Captain Blackheart from the Spanish Main set! Wild Will and Yoyoboy67 have a review. Capt'n Wild Will sails into the The Pirate's Cove with some ship buying advice. Check out, I’m in the market, so to speak… Tuesday, June 21, 2005 Cap'n Wildwill has a contest for you guys today. There's more introductions and basic overviews of the game in The Pirate's Cove. Wild Will has Photo Essay intro to Pirates and sixersballernum3 gives us his perspective of the game from a beginner's point of view. Monday, June 20, 2005 Arrgh matey, and welcome aboard the brand spankin’ new Pojo Pirates page. The Seven Seas are a dangerous place, full of Buccaneers, Privateers and Ghosts. Ye had better be tying off your yard arms and battening down your hatches if you’re going to survive on the high seas of the Spanish Main or the Crimson Coast. Capt'n Wild Will, your favorite collectible games reviewer, has a quick and easy introduction to this cool new Constructible, 3-D, strategy game right here in The Pirate's Cove. We have our first game piece review for you to check out and get a look at how we'll go about rating and reviewing these game pieces. We'll start week 1 with Pirates you CANNOT live without. Our Pirate Piece of the Day is the Pirate ship Revenant from the Spanish Main set! Wild Will and Yoyoboy67 start off the reviews. This latest latest gaming innovation is unlike any other currently on the market. Learn how to play, check out game pieces and where to buy them, all at the WizKids web site! In the mean time, bookmark this site and check back daily for Ships of the Day, Fleet Builds, and all the other great stuff you’ve come to expect from Pojo.com. Shiver me timbers and blow me down, I’ll see YOU on the Spanish Main!
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