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From: john malarkey [mailto:john.malarkey@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:39 PM
Subject: variations on the basic game - john malarkey
a simple way to make the game more realistic is to make the
rulers (S= 4", L=6") and to forbid sailing directly into the
wind. set a compass rose on the table. roll a die to select
the side each player comes onto the board, roll a die to set
the wind. use a 50-60-70 degree triangle to help players
determine how close to the wind they can sail. 50d for
smaller ships 60d for average ships, 70d for big ships.....
also let each player sail the first leg, then each player in
turn sail the second leg if his - her ship has more than one
distance permitted...
-john malarkey
by the way, i will have a complete list of ships w/ card
numbers and specs in a week or so if wizkids can keep their
server on line for a few days, many broken links and the
worst card data base in the CCG business, dang but most
companies want you to have the complete spoiler list before
the release date, what is w/ wizkids, great games, terrible
on line support...