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conical's Pokemon Deck Garage

April 26, 2011

Another decklist from the Pojo Forums! This guy didn't get any responses! Poor dude. Decklist courtesy of Van_Xan.  http://www.pojo.biz/board/showthread.php?t=949050


This is my first attempt at making a pokemon deck(normally I play YGO). I'm a new player and would like some CC.

Pokemon - 24
3x Absol (Prime) TM

2x Hoothoot HS
4x Lucario CL
3x Mew (Prime) TM
3x Noctowl HS
3x Relicanth CL
4x Riolu CL
2x Smergle CL

Trainers/Supporters - 17
3x Bebe's Search
2x Judge
2x Poke Radar
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Pokemon Communication
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Twins

Energies - 19
4x Darkness (Special)
4x Double Colorerless
4x Fighting
4x Psychic
3x Rescue



Yugioh? Say it isn't so!


Well, I suppose I can help you with your deck. Looks like a pretty cool strategy anyway: Load up the Lost Zone with Pokemon, then do big damage with Lucario. Sound strategy, though you run the risk of losing via Lost World, and there's not much of anything you can do to stop that, short of taking 6 prizes before they play it. So let's try that, aight?

Let's start with the Pokemon. I think you need to max out either Mew or Absol Prime. I don't like recommending higher-valued cards, but since your strategy sort of relies on using them, I'd say you need to max out one or the other, and I'm leaning towards Absol more, because it has the better attack. We'll come back to what we'll remove for it eventually. The other thing I'm seeing is that you're running 3 Noctowl, but only 2 Hoothoot. I'd take out 1 Relicanth for an extra Hoothoot, then take out the rest of Relicanth for 2 Uxie, from Legends Awakened. It looks like a lot of your cards are from recent sets, but Uxie was reprinted as a League promo about a yearish ago, so it shouldn't be that hard to find.


The Trainers/Supporters look good for the most part, but one thing stands out: the Poke Radar. Poke Radar, frankly, is not a good card, as the odds that you actually find enough Pokemon with it for it to be effective are rather slim. If you want a card that looks at the top 5 cards of your deck, I'd rather you run Sage's Training, which lets you pick any 2 cards there. However, I think you need the 2 spaces for a counter-stadium, just in case your opponent sees your strategy, and then plays Lost World early. I think you'd like an answer for that, so let's see what we can do. Ruins of Alph is always a handy stadium for any Fighting/Psychic type, given that many cards resist them, but ultimately the benfit is marginal. On the other hand, Snowpoint Temple, from Legends Awakened, helps boost the HP of the numerous unevolving basics you run, which would be a bigger benefit, in my opinion. However, odds are, you will eventually encounter a player running SP, in which case the stadium benefits them even more. It's ultimately a matter of taste, but I'd rather run Ruins of Alph, because I don't like benefitting my opponents.


Finally, there's the energy. For this deck, we're going to remove the Fighting energy entirely, as you should rely much more on Dimension Sphere rather than Lucario's 2nd attack, and we need more energy elsewhere. We'll use one slot for the Mew/Absol Prime, as mentioned earlier, and in the other 3 slots, put in 3 basic Darkness energy. Since you have a higher Absol count than before, it stands to reason that we need more energy for it. If you want to add the Mew, however, you could always turn those into 3 Psychic Energy.


The cards I'd remove:

-3 Relicanth CL

-2 Poke Radar

-4 Fighting Energy


The cards I'd add:

+1 Hoothoot

+1 Absol Prime

+2 Uxie LA

+2 Ruins of Alph

+3 Basic Darkness Energy


Resulting in:


Pokemon - 24
3x Absol (Prime) TM
3x Hoothoot HS
4x Lucario CL
3x Mew (Prime) TM
3x Noctowl HS
4x Riolu CL
2x Smeargle CL

2x Uxie LA

Trainers/Supporters - 17
3x Bebe's Search
2x Judge
2x Ruins of Alph
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Pokemon Communication
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Twins

Energies - 19
4x Darkness (Special)

3x Darkness (Basic)
4x Double Colorless
4x Psychic
3x Rescue


And that's about it. Thanks for reading, and good luck!




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