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Arbok14's Hollow Welcome to the Hollow for another fix. Today I picked the next deck that was sent to me, and this is one that has certainly affected the current metagame. It is a version of AMU (Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie), so let’s take a look!
Hi there, I thought I'd send this in, even though I feel kind of daft doing so because of how common this deck may be, but I thought I'd ask for some advice anyway!
So: Name: James/Narctiss
Deck name (Ready for this?):
Modified (Limited) Play.
Deck List:
Pokemon: 2x Mesprit LA 34/146 1x Mesprit MT 14/123 1x Mesprit Lv.X LA 143/146
2x Azelf LA 19/146 1x Azelf MT 4/123 1x Azelf Lv.X LA 140/146
2x Uxie LA 43/146 2x Uxie Lv.X 146/146
2x Bronzor MD 52/100 2x Bronzong MD 16/100 Total: 16
Trainers: 1x Technical Machine TS-2 (Devoluter) LA 137/146 3x Plus Power SW 121/132 2x Warp Point MD 88/100 3x Premier Ball GE 101/106 2x Dusk Ball MD 80/100 3x Night Maintenance SW 120/132 2x Poke Radar LA 133/146 Total: 16
Supporters: 3x Roseanne's Research SW 125/132 2x Bebe's Search MT 109/123 1x Cynthia's Feelings LA 131/146 1x Felicity's Drawing GE 98/106 4x Buck's Training LA 130/146 Total: 11
Stadium: 2x Snowpoint Temple LA 134/146 Total: 2
Energy: 15x Psychic Total: 15
Strategy: It's been working fine against pretty much most decks, and the idea is: Pull out all three pixies using Roseanne's or other trainers available, especially Azelf LA (get prized cards) and Mesprit MT (Free retreat for pixies). Next up, grab all the Lv.X's using Bebe's search, a bit of luck, and one preimer ball if needed. Starting with Uxie, then Azelf, and finally Mesprit. Keep Uxie as the main attacker, using Trade Off Poke-Power and trainers like Dusk Ball and Poke Radar to get anything else I need e.g. Another Uxie to allow for Zen Blade each turn, or for other pixies as back up later. This would involve using premier balls, or with chance, night maintainence and a Bebe's search if a Lv.X gets KO'd, then putting it onto my backup pixies.
Keep attacking with the Uxies, allowing one to get KO'd if absolutely necessary to save the other Lv.Xs. Although not wanted, it's better than losing another one and preventing Supreme Blast. Mesprit should only be put into play if the bench Seriously needs healing, or the opponents HP is too high for Zen Blade to get rid off fast enough. Use Surpreme Blast, get rid of the most powerful, and then keep knocking down the opponents bench with Azelf, and Uxie on the active. If there's a Claydol in play, a mirror deck, or even a Mewtwo Lv.X, Bronzong is used. It's poke-power hurts Claydol and many others, while it's attack 'Pain Amplifier' can build up damage to soften up the bench, active, and make sniping for Azelf easier later. Against Mewtwo Lv.X, Coating can be used for a OHKO, unless Snowpoint Temple is in play, in which case I'd better hope I can keep using Bronzong to finish it off, or have another as back up if there are no Plus powers available. I also use Buck's training for the purpose of a plus power. However, I haven't had the chance to go up against Mewtwo Lv.X yet, so I'm not sure how well it would go. With Azelf Lv.X in play though, the Lake Trio's weakness is covered if it's brought out fast enough, which should become priority more than Uxie when against opposing Psychic decks. The TM TS-2 is included for the off chance that I can get a knock out on a pokemon that's been damaged on the bench. Although I've noticed it's hardly ever used, so I may remove it. Though it does provide a good surprise KO. Warp points are for if my Pixies get Paralyzed/Asleep, or for Bronzong if I can't suffer to let it be KO'd. Cynthia's Feelings is normally not used, however, on the off chance it is used, it can be extremely helpful at bring back KO'd pixies with a Night maintenance, or for getting cards back into my deck should the count of cards be getting dangerously low. Felicity's drawing is just for extra draw power, but can be removed.
That's the general strategy, though I may well have forgotten something.
Help needed:
Now then, the real issue is one of the
other most talked about decks: Kingdra. Again, I hav I've thought of two seperate counter's to this however, which may or may not work.. But require making space in the deck I might not be able to give away. The first, is Luxray LA. Reasons: Electric for a start, so 2HKO when using it's first attack, which requires 2 Colourless, OHKO if I have two Lightning energy available. But with my deck, I'm not sure if there's room to throw in a small Luxray LA/Shinx LA/Rare Candy line, and THEN energy on top. However, Luxray also covers me against opposing Lv.Xs in the set.. So another good Mewtwo counter.. But setting him up while also trying to set up the pixies quick enough might not be possible to save myself. The second idea, which also requires Lightning energy, would be to use Manectric MT 28/123. Reason: It's second attack 'Chain Lightening' for 3 Electric energy, causes 70 damage and 20 damage to any pokemon on the bench with the same name. against Kingdra, this is great, and would cause 100 dmg, so without three plus powers, it's still only a 2HKO, but with those two hits, that does allow OHKOs to the benched Kingrda later.. Assuming I have more Manectrics or it survives. However, it does cost 3E energy. The alternative to this would be Lanturn LA 59/146 (Electric). Using it's Energy Split attack, which costs 1 Electric and does 30 damage to any pokemon with energy attached, but for Kingdra, this doesn't apply so often. However it would do 60 dmg to the active Kingdra, but that's only a 3HKO without plus powers or bench weakening earlier. The problem with the last two, are that they cost for electric energy when I might not be able to get hold of it when needed, they have low HP, don't do incredible amounts of damage, and of course, against anything aside from Kingdra.. Don't really have a necessity in the deck, unlike Luxray. I have considered adding an Uxie MT which has a poke-power that stops the opponent using the same attack twice, when used on an active Uxie that is, however for Kingdra, this probably wouldn't make too much difference.
So I ask for your help, if possibly, please, on any suggestions you have against Kindgra for AMU! With Battle Roads approaching, I really want to be able to do my best, and against most decks beside Kingdra, I may do fine, but against a Kingdra, I may not fare so well.. Unlucky me if I just so happen to face a Kingdra, or run into problems wth Mewtwo Lv.X and can't set up a Bronzong fast enough to cover. Please help me! Thank you for taking your time to read this too, I really appreciate it!
Cards to be left in the deck: The Lake Trip of course, although their ratio of LA/Lv.X/MT can be tweaked. Practically anything else can be altered to suit these to make the deck have that extra edge over a deck like Kingdra's, which is currently my largest worry for Battle Roads.
Once again, thank you so much! I hope you can help!
Yours, James
OK James, your list looks pretty good, but let’s take a look and see what I can do to help. I have seen a bunch of these decks around and here is what I believe should give a challenge to anything out there:
Pokemon – Your AMU line looks good. MT Azelf is good to mess with your opponent’s basic Pokemon, especially Mewtwo and opposing pixies. Just watch out for it in a mirror match. Having two LA Azelf is necessary because of its Time Walk ability to get those Pokemon in your prizes. A MT Mesprit is vital for free retreat. 2 LA Mesprits are good because its power can cripple your opponent early game or it can be great late game. As for Uxie, the only really good one to use is the one from Legends Awakened, which improves draw greatly. The Lv. X’s are obviously necessary, but two Uxie Lv. X can ensure you get one out and help draw into the other ones. Next you will need to take out the Bronzong line. It is good, but it won’t help much against Kingdra, which is what you have trouble with. It its place, add two Mr. Mime and one of Poochyena and Mightyena. Mr. Mime can work wonders against Kingdra and in a mirror match. Mightyena also plays a good role in a mirror match and against pesky Mewtwo Lv. X. Mr. Mime basically guards against anything with two or less energy attached to it: Kingdra. Mightyena’s attack does 30 and cripples the active if it is basic. Here’s what happened:
-2 Bronzor -2 Bronzong +2 Mr. Mime (MT #30) +1 Poochyena (LA #116) +1 Mightyena (LA #66)
Energy – Take out 5 psychic energy and put in fuel for Mightyena: 1 basic and 2 special darkness energy. The special darkness can help make Mightyena’s attack into a 40 damage attack.
-5 Psychic Energy +1 Basic Darkness +2 Special Darkness
Trainers – OK, take out 1 Buck’s Training (4 is too much, Uxie can help draw) and the Felicity’s Drawing (discarding energies isn’t in the strategy). Also, take out the 2 Dusk Balls. That leaves us with 6 open slots. Add in another Roseanne’s Research (it will help a lot to start and then it will help a lot later when you Night Maintenance) and another Cynthia’s Feelings (you will get knocked out a lot with the low all-around HP, this will help you draw when you do). Next, add in another Warp Point and 2 Switch. This deck relies a lot on being able to go with the best overall option. Even though you can get free retreat with Mesprit, an opposing Mightyena prevents retreat. Warp Point can also help you against Mewtwo Lv. X. I like the idea of Devolutor. Add another one of those, so that you can disrupt R are Candied Kingdras or teched Dusknoirs. These will become effective if you opponent has damaged Pokemon. Mr. Mime can use this effectively if you do find yourself in an epic battle with Kingdra.
-1 Buck’s Training -1 Felicity’s Drawing -2 Dusk Ball +1 Roseanne’s Research +1 Cynthia’s Feelings +1 Warp Point +2 Switch +1 Technical Machine TS-2 (Devolutor)
And here is the final list:
Pokemon: (16) 2x Mesprit (LA #34) 1x Mesprit (MT #14) 1x Mesprit Lv.X (LA #143) 2x Azelf (LA #19) 1x Azelf (MT #4) 1x Azelf Lv.X (LA #140) 2x Uxie (LA #43) 2x Uxie Lv.X (LA #146) 2x Mr. Mime (MT #30) 1x Poochyena (LA #116) 1x Mightyena (LA #66)
Trainers: (31) 3x Buck's Training (LA #130) 2x Cynthia's Feelings (LA #131) 4x Roseanne's Research (SW #125) 2x Bebe's Search (MT #109) 2x Poke Radar (LA #133) 3x Premier Ball (GE #101) 2x Technical Machine TS-2 (Devoluter) (LA #137) 3x Plus Power (SW #121) 3x Warp Point (MD #88) 2x Switch (DP #119) 3x Night Maintenance (SW #120) 2x Snowpoint Temple (LA #134)
Energy: (13) 10x Psychic Energy 1x Basic Darkness Energy 2x Special Darkness Energy
So there you go. I hope this is able to help you out against your bitter rival, Kingdra. Your Pokemon and trainer lines should also help out against Mewtwo, which poses a serious threat against this deck. If you have any questions just send me an email and I will try to respond promptly. I hope to get another fix done before the end of the week because of Battle Roads. Good luck to all that are playing, unfortunately I have to remain in the Hollow (college) for Battle Roads. Until next time,
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