Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Rocket Boss's Deck Fixes
Thankful Pounding
March 26, 2009
Pokemon 16
4-4 Scizor (MD-SF)
3-3 Cherrim (SF-SF)
2-2 Shaymin (LAnd Form-LAnd-Sky)
Trainer 30
1 Night
3 Miasma valley
4 PlusPower
3 Cynthia
1 Premier
4 Roseanne
4 Quick Ball
3 looker's Investigation
3 Bebes
2 warp point
2 Lv Max
14 Grass
i need help I been working on this for a long time Can you
help me on this deck list
Sorry for taking such a break, there have been new endeavors
around the Rocket Hideout recently and therefore I, Rocket
Boss, have been quite busy. Moving forward, we take a look
at a slightly more sophisticated Donk Deck utilizing the
combo of Scizor and Cherrim, bulked up with Shaymin Lv. X.
In order for a faster execution of this combo we should go
with 4-4 Cherrim, an extra shot at +10 is never a bad
thing.. something that will work better for this deck is
Unown Q, whose Poke-Power lets you attach Unown Q as a tool
to you Pokemon and reduce its retreat cost by 1, and since
all of the Pokemon in this deck only have 1 retreat, it's
certainly not a bad idea. In the Trainer/Supporter/Stadium
area of the deck we'll remove 2 Cynthia's Feelings to
accommodate the Unown Q for starters because with 3 Looker's
Investigations in the deck you don't want to be left with
your only option for a supporter to cost you everything else
in your hand. Level Max is too flippy to be effective and
may just slow you down, a lot of times it's just a dead
draw, it may be advantageous to speed up your drawing
ability with 2 Dusk Ball, not as effective as Quick Ball,
but it's a good runner up since you can only run 4 of a
kind. This will leave us with a deck build that looks a
little like this:
Pokemon 22
4-4 Scizor (MD-SF)
4-4 Cherrim (SF-SF)
2-2 Shaymin (Land Form-Land-Sky)
2 Unown Q (MD)
Trainer 28
1 Night Maintenance
3 Miasma valley
4 PlusPower
1 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Premier Ball
4 Roseanne
4 Quick Ball
3 looker's Investigation
3 Bebe's Search
2 Warp Point
2 Dusk Ball
14 Grass
So there it is folks, the deck that is christened Thankful
Pounding, Shaymin, Cherrim, Scizor and Unown Q combine to
make a strong, fast, and unless Dialga G Lv. X is out,
deadly strike. Rocket Boss is Blasting off again!