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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
The Two Sides of POP
By Drew Holton, AKA JediDrew
Good in POP
POP has done many things in to help this game progress as it
has. I'd like to hit some of these things before I turn
around and do the bad. It is important to realize how this
company has helped the game and not just see some of the bad
it has done. The good by far outweighs the bad. The bad
however, are fixable things that never should have been
changed, or need to be changed.
First I'd like to start off with the amazing tournament
structure that POP has in place. There are so many different
events that offer things for players of every level. Casual
players and competitive players alike can play in
tournaments like Prereleases. Competitive players are
offered an intense tournament structure capping in a World
Championship. This is much more than the former regime of
Wotc ever had. Instead of a schedule with just Gym
Challenges and Stadium Challenges, POP offers some variety
with Cities, States and Nationals.
POP also has some outstanding prizes awarded at all of its
events. Unlike the Wotc days were you got nothing to show
for your hard work, POP offers some amazing possibilities. I
won two trips with Wotc in command but that was as high as
the prizes went. Who knows how many countless boxes of cards
I won. Now with POP I can get medals, trophies, invites and
best of all, scholarships. Yes I know Wotc had medals for
the STS events but that was their TOP prize. Here medals
take a backseat to scholarships and a large amount of
goodies. Also these scholarships aren't just offered at one
event anymore, but many. The opportunity to make some
serious cash for a good player is huge. Now there is some
hard earned cash for your education to show for your hard
Lastly I'd like to thank POP for resurrecting what was
basically a dead game. Barely anyone played pokemon during
the twilight of the Wotc era. Now people are coming back to
play in swarms. Attendance at leagues and tournaments around
the country is picking up. Players are hearing about the new
programs POP has put in place and how the game is picking up
again. Jason, Alex and Seena are just some of the high level
players attracted by this resurgence.
I'd like to note that I'm only hitting the tip of a huge ice
burg of good that POP has done. However the bad are all
problems that should have been avoided by following other
companies' examples. Some of these things have happened in
the past or POP has just changed because they want to kill
any image Pokemon has of becoming a big game. Games such as
Magic are looked down upon, possibly because many of the
players are cutthroat in nature. I and many others feel they
are just changing things to be different.
Bad in POP
First I'd like to start off with the travesty known as
Spirit of the Game. It is the all encompassing golden rule
that POP can file any complaint or problem under. They say
it is just there to enforce sportsmanship, but is so vague
and misused that it can cover anything they want. It has
developed into POP's answer all to put down the more skilled
players whenever they try to voice their opinions. Several
recent policy changes have also been shoved under this rule
as an easy answer to the changes. This allows POP to dodge
any questions by simply stating, "It violated SotG."
Either the Spirit should be completely done away, or it
should be refined to do its true job. If POP really wants to
raise sportsmanship in this game, it should have a series of
specific rules dealing with them, not one big cover all
rule. As it is Pokemon is considered casual when compared to
other games, and on a whole I have not seen ridiculously bad
sportsmanship in a long time.
Sportsmanship rules such as this one have a way of making
players feel babied. Particularly how POP has been applying
the Spirit irritates many people that play Pokemon. Even in
the old days of WotC when the players were much more vocal
and disturbing to the game, there was never such a rule. It
makes players feel like POP doesn't trust us to play the
game as it was meant to be played. This is a very bad policy
in my mind and others.
Also POP should not keep filing any "violation" under the
SotG. As problems arise the Spirit should become more
precise and broken down to deal with each individual time.
This is what I hope it develops to over time, as it is
fairly new.
The next issue that is considered a problem are IDs. Many
people know I am quite outspoken in favor of IDs, but they
have caused a large bit of controversy. It has died down
recently in favor of other issues but I still feel it needs
to be included for the purposes of this article. For those
of you who don't know what an ID is, it is simply when you
and your opponent both take 1 point instead of playing out
the game. They are usually used to insure a player their
spot in the top cut. IDs have been gone pretty much this
whole tournament season, since just before the City
Championships started.
IDs have been cut under the new trend of eliminating
"violators" of the Spirit. How does it violate it? Who knows
because the Spirit is so broad. The general feeling is that
POP wants to continue its separation from WotC rules. Simply
put, they are changing just to be different. However the
quick fix answer is that all games are meant to be played to
a finish. This is simply bull as when a time limit is added
to a game the loophole of draws is created. I'll deal more
about time later but since there is time, the game can't be
played as originally intended and draws have to be included.
POP doesn't see this though and eliminated what has been
part of this game from the beginning of OP.
Also IDs were eliminated to help the little guy. Generally
used by the older and more experienced players, IDs are seen
as a cheap way to win. POP has continued to hurt the people
that have been playing the longest and are trying to appeal
to the younger, less experienced player. When they whine,
POP listens and changes to the masses. The older players are
forced to deal with it and suffer. A person in a position to
ID deserves their spot in the top cut, regardless of who
they are. Others learn to deal with it, as that is the way
things had always been. However those that never got to use
IDs found something to blame for their continued bad
performances. Try playtesting and hard work like the rest of
us. It works wonders. Don't hurt the people playing under
the system.
Next thing that POP has done wrong is sudden death. However
I'm grateful that they've recently gone back to the old
system. This is much better than the old system that I had
planned on bashing. I'd like to thank POP for finally seeing
the light in at least one error.
Still I would like to see a gradual introduction of a turn
clock when time is called. For those of you that don't know
what a turn clock is, it is a continuation of a tied game by
giving both players five turns each. This is much better
than even the current system. A player that is gaining tempo
and would have eventually won the game without a time limit
is allowed the chance to win. Otherwise a player losing
tempo could have possibly taken a quick prize and stolen a
win. Over all it takes as much time as a next prize game and
is much shorter than the old sudden death games.
Turn extensions are also a great way to eliminate the
current problem of stalling. With each player being
guaranteed an equal amount of turns, it is impossible for
one player to play slowly to gain a huge time advantage.
Players are unable to steal their opponents last couple of
turns and possibly an opponent's win. A policy of turn
extensions would be a great move by POP.
When POP announced it's new policy of no ranking invites, I
along with many other was greatly disappointed. For some
this is the only way some people are able to make it to
worlds. With areas stacked with amazing players, there
aren't possibly enough trips to spread to everyone. The
rankings was a way to reward these players that tried hard
all year. It makes no sense at all that POP would get rid of
this way of rewarding its most dedicated players. This was
one of the worst moves this season along with IDs. POP
should reinstate this or an equally valuable way of
rewarding the top ranked players each year.
Those are all the problems I will go into for this article.
In my next one I will go in depth with the penalty
guidelines and offer my opinion on how to fix them. They are
very loose right now and offer many loopholes that are
possibly exploitable. I have also heard about the
possibility of the next Prereleases occurring as little as a
week before Regionals. If this becomes a truth, I will write
about it too. I am reachable by email at dothedrew730@yahoo.com
and by AIM at dothedrew730.
-Drew Holton
AKA JediDrew