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Holos and LV. Xs comin' your way!!!
November 21, 2008

WWEEEEEEELLLLLLL LET'S getthisnextpartstarted!!!! Holos and LV. Xs comin' your way!!! OOOOOOHHHHH SHINIES!


Torterra: The THIRD Torterra! They've all been pretty good, but only GREAT when combined with other cards, i.e. Leafeon, Sceptile, and other ways to speed up the big attacks. BUT, this guy breaks the mold, and instead of being a huge hitter, actually helps other things attack and come into play faster. First, let me get the attacks out of the way. Crash Impact is.. ok. It's average damage for two energy (BIBAREL you devil you!), with the ability to get rid of something that's problematic. Land Shake is just okay also. 80 for 4 is nothing special, and the other effect might be too late to do anything by the time Torterra is attacking. Even then, it's JUST two damage counters, and with the 80 from Land Shake if that Basic root ever becomes active, 100 isn't going to KO that much. Obviously, the Poke-Power is the big bomb on this card. Sunshine Song can get INSANE! I've already seen that thing evolve 3 Cherubi and a Sceptile, and then just smash for 110. Obviously, like the other Torterra's in this respect, this Torterra lends itself to other Grass Pokemon to create a pwoerful deck. Cherrim can blow up it's attacks, and Sceptile can speed it up. Torterra has ALOT of other options deckwise, and I think this is one card to watch coming up here in these next few months.


Sceptile: Another cool Grass Stage 2 starting Pokemon......starting Pokemon are made so powerful. I guess it tugs at our heart to play with a Pokemon we used in the games. Oh well, this card is pretty interesting. The basic Green Energy Trans, always good. The attacks aren't very good though. When combined with Leafy/Scepy, they're passable. The HP is kinda low, but the retreat cost is too. Not much to really say here, everythings been seen before, it's just all combined here. This MIGHT make a splash in current decks using Sceptile as a 1-of, much like it's pal Torterra. Either way you'll probably see this guy eventually.


Regigigas: Well......what can I say about this card that my COTD buddies haven't said already.....except that guy that starts with a Narc and ends with an I'majerk. Anywho, this version is really bad. Really really bad. The attacks do too little damage, the Poke-Power is ridiculous for just one MEASLY energy with Pokemon who have very little synergy, and the bottom stats are just cruel...just cruel. The whole thing is perfectly vulgar, and I'd recommend either of the two others for the LV. X.


Raichu: Alot of possibilities here.......every attack on here is good and goes with the LV. X. I don't see it being a force without the LV. X though, so I'd keep it with that. 'Nuff said.


Mismagius: SUPER SECRET TECH POKEMON BOMBER CARD!!!! Mismagius has been seen in like EVERY Psychic deck as a tech since it's release. Seriously. SO, here it's all about the attacks. Regular stats on it, but the two chants are great. Crash Chant is amazingly cheap (HAHAHAHAHA) and pretty potent when the right setup is in place. Horror Chant is the killer, though. It's an old Dusknoir with a kick. Play this card in 2-2 if you can fit it in. Trust me, it'll come in handy. You can even use 4-4 without it really weighing you down if you think you'll need it that much. A great card from Stormfront.


Magnezone 6 (Electric version): ANOTHER good tech card, but this one for a specific deck. The attack is just a changed up version of the DP one, but the Poke-Power is where it's at. Super Conductivity is a great way to do what Magnevire already does, rip energy out of the graveyard and make crazy use of it. This Magnezone will probably be seen in 1-2s in deck with the LV. X, so it will recieve a good chunk of play. The bottom stats are basic, the retreat doesn't matter with the other Magnezone in place, and the HP is basic too. Good tech deck dude.


Magnezone 5 (Metal version): All of these Magnezone's have Poke-Powers that are helpful in their own way. They're all meant to be used with the LV. X, though, so pick and choose the ones you want. Seriously, these guys just give you a variety to choose from for your Magnezone deck. The Electric one DOES change up the bottom stats, but that's nothing too significant, so just have fun with your choices. Use the one that best works with your list.


Lumineon: Another Pokemon looking for some playtime, the last version obviously got none. And THIS guy.....might end up in the same boat sadly....EECH! 80 HP is average-low, the retreat cost is grand, and the Weakness is meh worthy. Unfortunately, the attacks don't give this vanilla card very much either. Quick Swim is okay at best, and terrible at worst. Elegant Swim is....about the same thing. Good for the cost, but Glaceon has the SAME damn attack and there it's snooze worthy. The only way I can POSSIBLY see this being played is as some tech in a Water deck that could use an easy basic KO or time to allow for spreading. Luckily, that's like EVERY Water deck so you might see this thing teched in somewhere along the line. Then again, maybe not, and we'll just have to wait for the THIRD Lumineon to come out and be REMOTELY playable.


Infernape: If you've read my COTD review on this guy, you'd know my great praises towards this card. It's got everything you could want. Good bottom stats, good HP, a Great Poke-Power, and powerful attacks to go with it. You can play this guy buy himself or with ANYTHING that needs Fire Energy. A powerful card, useful in many different strategies.


Empoleon: The last of the new different type versions of the Diamond and Pearl starting Pokemon, Empoleon is one of these new Pokemon with the Stormfront comes-into-play Poke-Powers. It has one of the most powerful of the new abilities though. The stats are about the same, same HP, same bottom. The switch to Metal will let you use the Special Energies, so their's a small bonus. Emperor Aura is just sick though. Using it at the right time can totally pick apart a Pokemon your opponent was relying on, and combined with Whirlpool, it can set up a series of KOs. The key is timing. You really have to review your opponent's options before using it to get the maximum effect. But the kicker is that the Power is generically GOOD enough that if you have to evolve into Empoleon without a good setup going you can still take alot of advantage from it, especially if you took the first turn. The attacks are average, but each combo with Empoleon in a different way. Steel Wing can work with Special Metals to keep Empoleon alive against big Pokemon. Whirlpool works with the Poke-Power to give your opponent a significant Energy shortage. Look out for this card. It may turn out to be a sort of sleeper hit. There are alot of things you can combine this with, from Kingdra to Leafeon to Shedinja.


Dusknoir 17: I wanted to do the Dusknoirs together, so I'll start with this non-Holo version first. Unfortunately for this guy, he just has too much competition to see play. We ALL KNEW Dusknoir LV. X was going to get his own deck soon, but the choice we had was which Dusknoir regular form to use. And I think this card was left out of that choice by so many people, but for good reasons. The DP Dusknoir is STILL a powerful card with a great Poke-Power and strong attack. The Holo SF Dusknoir is a Swiss Army Knife type of Pokemon with alot of different abilities that can come in handy. So this Dusknoir, who other than having an INTERESTING but beatable Poke-Power, is all-together average, just couldn't keep up with the pack. Darkness Mist is only decent, EVEN with the preexisting damage on them, and Spirit Pulse, like I said, is good, but NOT going to be doing much most of the time. This card MIGHT have seen play if printed with a different name, but as a Dusknoir, it's just too overshadowed by the other versions to be included in a deck.


Dusknoir 1: This is the better 'Noir from Stromfront. This guy has a variety of abilities, all with the cost of just one more energy to retreat. First off the Poke-Power is good, especially now that Claydol seems to be seeing less play, and though it really isn't as good as the 'Dol (and counteractive to it), it can be worth it to work with Damage Even, or just when looking for that LV. X. Damage Even is pretty good. Sniping in return to an attack can be worth it if you'll get a prize out of it. And it'll KO most T2-type Pokemon. Night Spin is the most cutting though. It destroys many concepts like Kingdra's swarming and AMU fast setup as soon as you get it going. This Dusknoir isn't the BEST Stage 2 for a LV. X to have (that one probably goes to Garchomp. GREAT JOB, buddyt!!), and it might not be even better than the DP version, but this card is definitely going to turn people's minds on to it after seeing it in action.



Regigigas LV. WHOOAAAA that's enough for now actually. I gotta make this Stormfront review stretch (MILK IT BABY, MILK IT!). So please join me again next time, where I'll be going through these Crazy LV. Xs and (possibly) the new trainers of this recent set! See you there!




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