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MASKED SCIZOR'S DOJO Preface Well hello there, and Welcome to the very first and greatest (....maybe?) installment of The Masked Scizor's Dojo at Pojo!!! This article... took a good amount of effort, and I KNOW you'll appreciate it hahaha. I've gathered all these decks mostly from the Pokegym thread (every Battle Roads they have a thread collecting data on which decks won which Battle Roads in which division). I've also looked up winning decks from Battle Roads they were missing. All and all, I think these decks really give a great view of the current winning metagame, and I know they can definitely help you figure out what to run, how you should run it, and what you'll be facing in your upcoming organized play matches. Thank you, and enjoy!
Key In order to let you guys be able to quickly search out decks you want to read about, I organized the decks by type. Specifically, by main attacker's type. I KNOW some of you disagree on who the main attacker is on alot of these decks, but I organized it to the best of my ability and knowledge of who has the lead role in the deck. Also, I AM NOT LISTING NO BRAINER STAPLES like Claydol/Pachirisu unless they are a fundamental part of the deck beyond setup, so just assume they are already in there. Decks that TRULY have more than one lead Pokemon, by that I mean can win with more than one MAIN pokemon, like GG, Eeveelutions, and Magleaf, are at the end of the article in the Multi-section. OH, and all NON-TECH variations of the deck will be under the deck with their own little description. Thank you again. Here is the type key:
1. Grass 2. Fire 3. Water 4. Electric 5. Fighting 6. Psychic 7. Colorless 8. Dark 9. Metal 10. Multi
GRASS Torterra/Sceptile Alright now!!!! The first deck up is the old big friggin' turtle paired up with the big friggin' lizard with leaves!! This deck revolves around Sceptile's ability to double the output of your grass energy to power up the hugeness that is Torterra, using it's four energy cost attacks with just two. Usually the deck doesn't have ALOT of room for techs, but you can commonly see things like Unown G and Dusknoir in here. The normal line for Torterra is 1 DP version, 2 MD versions. and one LV. X. Sceptiles are usually played 2-3.
Tangrowth/Sceptile Basically, the same as Torterra/Sceptile but using Tangrowth as the attacker instead. This changes the deck into a faster, but less heavy hitting build. Tangrowth also has a small sniping ability, and the ability to heal. But the best change is the no retreat part of Tangrowth's attack. So, to save what they have, they have to Warp Point/Switch out, and Tangrowth can still grab the prize by sniping it. Another point to mention is Tangrowth's resistance to Water. Combined with it's healing ability, Pokemon like Kingdra have a very tough time taking Tangrowth down. The deck has a good amount of room for starters or techs, so watch out. The normal line is 3 Tangrowths and 3 Sceptiles.
Bellosom/Vileplume A rougue-ish deck, this build can get quick and powerful Bellosom fueled turn 2s and strong late game antics with Vileplume. The ability to do 80, and then cause burn and poison through the Vileplume is pretty powerful. The deck reminds me of GG with it's one root, two leaves type of style. While not being as good utility wise, the deck can get the job donw with powerful, cheap, status-inducing moves. Also, a good amount of room for extras. The usual line is 3 Bellosom, 2 Vileplume.
Bellosom/Vileplume/Shedinja OH BOY! MY first variation!! This deck is has a different strategy than the other, usually wanting to start with the Bellosom or Shedinja out turn two. Basically, the Shedinja is meant to take the dive, put the opponent's main hitter(s) in KO range for Bellosom with two Vileplume's out. This deck is kinda hard to play, and CAN be insconsistent. Also Shedinja makes a great Warp Point target when played from either side of the field. Shedinja numbers vary, but the Oddish line remains about the same.
Leafeon/Sceptile Another variation on the Torterra build. This deck uses both the abilities of Leafeon and Sceptile to flood the field with possible attackers, and powers up Leafeon's attack to amounts that shouldn't be possible for two energy. This deck is sophisticated to play, but powerful when you have both the LV. X and Sceptile out, which is how to get the whole thing rolling. A third line, such as Torterra or Butterfree, is also available to this deck, and can greatly increase the force put out. Also, it gives you something else to build up. You want to use 2-2 Leafeon and 3 Sceptiles here.
FIRE Magmortar The Fire Clown-Duck hybrid is still a very playable deck in today's metagame. Not many decks can take a constant 40-20-20 with the occasional 100 and live to tell about it. The key to winning with this deck is managing damage counters (on both sides of the field) and using the Bazooka.....alot. Magmortar may be an older deck, but it IS a contendor. The deck is usually always 3 Magmortar SW and 1 LV. X.
Magmortar/Blaziken One of the more commonly seen Magmortar variations, the deck revolves around using two of the most powerful Fire Pokemon ever concieved. Saying that they both snipe is an understatement, it's more like continous smart bombing, really. The idea here is to use the Magmortar(s) first, dealing damage to every threat. When it's Blaziken's turn, take advantage of the damage and start blowing up threats, even large, 130 HP ones, with Flame Kick. You can charge up a Blaziken in a turn, and the same is with a Magmortar LV. X, so don't expect much "lag time" against this. The great thing about this deck is that it CAN also work in reverse, with the Blaziken picking off key problems and the Magmortar scoring many KOs. 2-3 Blazikens, and 3-1 on the Magmortar.
Magmortar/Blissey Another common variant, the Magmortar Blissey deck is more speed/late game deck than the others. Ideally, you REALLY want to start with the Magmar, hit for 20, go to Magmortar, hit for 40 or 50 with a Buck's/PPower, and then keep Bazookaing until you LV. X. Blissey is a late game beast with all that fire in the discards, and can take and deal a good amount of damage. While there isn't a TERRIBLE amount of synergy between the two, the are both big monsters that deal damage above their energy requirements, and Blissey feeding off a Magmortar is something nobody wants to see across from them. You'll typically see the same 3-1 with Magmortar, and 4 Blissey.
Magmortar/Typhlosion A kind of rare variant, but not too rare. This would pretty much be the swarming variant of the Magmortar deck. Magmortar attacking,Typhlosion building another on the bench, and your hand building another one. Typhlosion does make a consistent late game attacker, and is pretty good against Water decks, even though he can't blow up the old Double Rainbows like he used to. Basically, get Magmortar out as fast as you can, and blow up any built Pokemon they have on the bench with the LV. X. 3-1 Magmortar, and about 3 Typhlosions.
Magmortar/Mewtwo The real WTH version of Magmortar, this is one you probably haven't seen before, but has claimed at least one Battle Roads. It kinda plays like the Blissey variant, strike first spreading lots of damage with Magmortar(s) and the LV. X discarding energy, and then promote the Mewtwo to grab that energy and hit for cheap. The added benefit of the Mewtwo is stopping Basic Pokemon-focused decks, and even if they have a counter, like Mightyena in AMU, Magmortar can be Warped in and cut that Pokemon down with it's LV. X which would end up being an easy prize. The other benefit of the Mewtwo is the ability to hit with that SWEET 120 pretty quickly after a Felicity's Drawing or KO'd Magmortar. The deck also has alot of room for techs. The norm (I GUESS if you could call it normal) is 2-2 for Mewtwo and the 3-1 for Magmortar.
Houndoom One of those what you see is what you get decks, I'm kinda partial to Houndoom *cough*I PLAYS it*cough*. By what I mean, though is that, mostly, the only active you'll EVER see here IS Houndour/Houndoom. Of course, many builds play Chatot/Rotom/Claydol, but aloto times the Houndoom will be the only attacker. It consistently hits with 60-100 with Revenge Fang, and does it on turn two. Houndoom is one of those decks that you are almost guarenteed to see. It costs very little to make, and is practicaly riddled with techs. Obviously, you're playing 4-4 Houndoom with this deck.
Houndoom/Blissey It's pretty much a smaller version of Magmortar/Blissey. Burn the energies and Pokemon with Houndoom and Revenge Fang, and drop a Blissey when A. A Houndoom gets taken out or B. In an effort to counter the Fang, they drop their Basic count. Either way, you have two powerful Pokemon that feed off each other. 3-4 Blissey with the 4 Houndoom in here.
Skittles: Ho-oh/Togekiss One of the most talked about, most commonly seen decks of this metagame, Skittles is a brilliant combination of two Pokemon with great Poke-Powers in a way that uses them to arguably their most efficient manner. The idea is simple: play every kind of energy (people WILL disagree on this), play a Ho-oh, and then plop down a Togekiss running all the different kinds of energy from the top of your deck onto the Ho-oh, and then make them TASTE the rainbow (I HAD TO, REALLY I HAD TO). You'll normally want 4 different kinds of energy so you can do a consistent 80, adding more IF needed. Ho-oh's ability will save you the trouble of building another half the time, and really, having to build another is not THAT much of a hassle.Yes, this deck is random. Yes, this deck takes chances. But what people seem to forget is that sometimes those things can be GOOD when luck turns in Your favor. With the addition of setup Pokemon like Pachirisu or Furret, the common amount of Ho-oh and Togekiss is 3.
Infernape The deck YOUR GRANDPAPPY PLAYED EHEHEHEH!!! Well, it's not That old, but it was probably the first deck involving a DP Pokemon to successfully come out [but what about Lucar{SHUT UP!}]. The deck is just like it's always been played. Second turn Infernape hits for 90. While you can't use the quick DRE power up any more, these days that entire 90 is needed. Infernapes can also swarm, and the free retreats help with Warp Points and certain status conditions. BUT the deck WUVS IT'S LV.X, YES IT DOES, YES IT DOES! The LV. X will commonly be on the one after the first Infernape, and KILLS! Hitting for 150 EASILY in combination with the second attack and the Poke-Power gives the deck a strong fear factor. Suprisingly, combinations of Infernape with Magmortar or any other Fire Poke haven't been as successful as just the straight Infernape deck. Regardless, Infernape by itself is solid, forceful, and fun to play. You'll have a good amount of room in here for techs, so use it wisely, and this deck commonly plays a starter, usually Stantler/Pachi. It goes 3 to the 1 for Infernape.
WATER Kingdra The most overhyped, overplayed, but still overly winning (seriously, check the records) Deck in this format, KINGDRA. This deck is the ultimate swarmer, as with most Kingdra decks since the beginning OF Kingdra. The premise is simple: Kingdra wants to hit for 60 and 20 to the bench for one energy, but Kingdra needs two discards. Player only draw one card per turn, and this make Kingdra sad. Kingdra think Player no care. BUT WAIT, what's that on the horizon?! WHY, it's Claydol! Now Kingdra can hit for 60+20 with ease, and swarm the hell out of the opponent. .......Yahh. The deck can run on so little energy, and and get up and running FAST. I shouldn't have to tell you you NEED to playtest against this thing. Of course, you'll want/see 4 Kingdras in here with a much thicker line of Claydol's then in most decks.
Kingdra/Blissey The first of our Kingdra variants, Kingdra Blissey is probably the deck that can work with the LEAST amount of energy in play, possibly EVER. Kingdra and Blissey are both swarming Pokemon, and they both have high HP, so.......WOW. You're really gonna need to hand out a TON of damage against this. The idea is that Kingdra starts first, discarding waters with it's ability, and then either Blissey or another Kingdra steps in to continue the onslaught, with the Blissey using the discarded waters as food. It really is as simple as that. To beat this, you're going to plain have to OUTLAST it. With Blissey, it's effectively like another mini-Kingdra line in the deck. Expect 4 of both of these in here.
Kingdra/Alakazam A different form of deck than the others, this build takes advantage of Claydol to it's fullest to not only discard for the attack, but block out Poke-Powers with Alakazam. This is more of a lockdown deck, focusing on SPECIFIC targets with both Kingdra's attack and Alakazam's Poke-Power. Blocking a crucial Claydol ability CAN mean game for your opponent. Another thing to remember is that this deck drops waters at a double time, so watch out for Kingdra's first attack, it can catch you by suprise with the actual amount of damage. While I wouldn't say this deck is common, it's widespread enough to warrant knowing how to play against it. The usual is 4 Kingdra, 2 Alakazam, which can get up and running quick.
Kingdra/Uxie Ah, the rarest Kingdra variant. This deck uses Claydol AND Uxie LV. X to power the Kingdra's attack. The whole Uxie line, from it's LA Basic, help refill the hand, and setup quicker. The Uxie CAN also attack, especailly if there's a Psychic Weakness in the mix, if needed. Other than that, the deck plays like a normal Kingdra, swarm and bombs. Uxie and Claydol provide a great card-drawing engine for Kingdra. It's 2-2 Uxie, and 4 Kingdra.
Empoleon The Penguin King's new Majestic Dawn incarnation is a killer (like the DP one was CRAZY terrible). Empoleon's ability to quickly damage spread AND still hit for 100 when needed is such a powerful force. This card has been compared to Exeggutor Delta sooooo many times, but it is SOOOOOO better than that. Empoleon wants to spread fast and spread early, and with a cost of just two energy, it can do just that. When I first saw this card, I thought the second attack was gonna be huge. While I was wrong about it's level of importance, the Surf Together IS a vital part of this card and deck. You'll usually want the full 100, and while the 10 your bench is a significant drawback, the ability to do a reliable, no flip 100 is great, right up their with Garchomp's 3 for 110. All in all, Empoleon is a Beast, I HAVEN'T EVEN talked about the LV. X OR the ability to play the DP Empoleon for a little versatility, and how it can be combined with other spreaders for efficiency (look for the Spreader Combination decks in the Multi section at the bottom of the article). It is one of THE best decks this format, and rightfully so. 4 or 3-1 MD Empoleons is the recipe, or a 2-1-1 with the old DP Empoleon. Hell, I would even say a 3-1 of JUST the DP Empoleon could STILL kill these days.
Empoleon/Metagross A somewhat rare variant, this deck combines two great Stage 2s with a ton of disruption. The main strength that Metagross brings to Empoleon is it's Poke-power, a flip-a-Gust, basically, and with the searching capabilities of Beldum, that flip-a-Gust happens alot more often. Being able to bring up an unpowered or one-trick-pony Pokemon (I'm looking at you, Zapdos/Spiritomb/Azelf/Uxie/Unowns), and Dual Splashing while your opponent struggles to retreat AND attack successfully, is a powerful force. Also, the Metagross can bring up support Pokemon like Claydol and Leafeon for a quick Surf Together-gotten prize. The thing you might not realize also is:THE METAGROSS CAN ATTACK! It does 150 in two turns and a consistent 100 after that! Plus, Empoleon covers Metagross' Weakness, and Metagross can come in against things like Mewtwo, who can potentially OHKO Empoleon. Just watch out for large Lightning types like Luxray. I would say 3-1 or 4 for Empoleon, and 3 for Metagross here.
Empoleon/Tentacruel Possibly one of the strangest builds to be seen this Battle Roads, and definitely the least likely Empoleon variant you'll run into. The idea for the deck is pretty....simple, really. You want to start with Piplup, or a starter, if you wish. Get the quick Empoleon then, Dual Splash until it's death, and then put a second. By this time you should have some KOs, and energy in your opponent's discard pile. NOW, it;s time to put up Tentacruel. Tentacruel can attach two energy to an opponent's Pokemon for fourty damage, FOR FREE! This should earn you some easy KOs right there. BUT, it's Tentacruel's second attack that can be amazing. In conjunction with the second attack, and a surviving Tentacruel, the big jellyfish can practically KO anything fro Torterra to Wailord, with no little chance of saving the Pokemon. The deck plays simple, but takes alot of skill, so be careful playing this and against this. It's the ol' 3-1, 4 for Empo, and a good ol' 3 for Tentacruel.
Empoleon/Omastar The most common Empoleon variant, Omastar provides one of the most interesting Poke-Powers currently available. The obvious combo here is to Dual Splash on your opponent's evolved until their BASICS would be or will be knocked out, and then drop the Omastar, claiming several prizes in a turn. The deck works just as smoothly as it sounds. Also, Omanyte will help you out by finding it's own evolutionary fossil for you, letting you use the Omastar whenever you need it, without relying on Super Scoop Up. Omastar's weakness helps to muddle Empoleon's, and it's attack can be very annoying late game and early game. 3-1 or 4 for you-knows-who, and 2-3 for the O-Master.
Glaceon The icy Eevee Pokemon, Glaceon, has certainly been making snowy waves lately in the Metagame. With the ability to just look across the field at your opponent and say "NO POKEY-POWERS", this cold dude is a terror on the second turn. Glaceon decks win by being fast to setup and aggressive. YOU WANT that LV. X out there as active as fast as you can. Shutting down Claydol and other setup/strategy necessary Powers can lead to a quick loss if not remedied quickly. And while your opponent is struggling to get back on their feet, Avalanche freezes all their Benched with a cool-flip-a-twenty, so about 10 damage every time it's used. Also, depending on which Glaceon you chose (THEIR IS NOT THAT BIG A POWER DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO, NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE SAY, the non-holo can work just as fine), you'll be able to get a chance to fully protect yourself against a bigger Pokemon's attack, snipe the bench for a possible life-saving ensured 10, ignore your opponent's defense for a clean 60, or hit for 60 with a chance of sleep. Glaceon decks can play an Espeon for the extra 20, Dawn Stadium for some status heal, and a lot of techs to help aqgainst certain matchups. Utility is the name of the game here. Glaceon is typically at 3-1, but 2-2 CAN be acceptable with alot of search.
Glaceon/GG This deck can be JUST brutal, and son adept at shutting down the opponent. Using three different types of energy CAN slow it down, but the versatility is worth it. Basically, Gardevoir and Glaceon shut down the opponent's Poke-Powers, giving them a horrid start. Gallade can step in for big knock outs, especially to fight-weaks, the deck really OOZES power. These three combined take a long time to power up (3 turns for each), but the ability to destroy the opponent's early game, and outlast them in the late game with powerful pokes is a solid strategy. The lines can vary greatly here, depending on which line is the main focus, but I'd say a 2-1/3-1 for Glaceon is good, and a 2-1-2/3-1-2 for Gadev/LV. X/ Gall.
Glaceon/Leafeon/Raichu This is a varinat that, I'll admit, I never even thought of until I saw it on the Battle Roads winning deck thread. It seems to be something that can build energy quick, use powerful attacks, and type match the HELL out of an opponent. The Raichu can build up energy on the bench for a powerful Leafeon and give a head start to a Glaceon. Also, Raichu can knock down Empoleons with one attack after some energy building. The great Glaceon LV. X start is still here also, and should not be underestimated, as Leafeon can still build your bench while your opponent's struggles to get a foothold. Clearly, a wise combination of three Pokemon into a strong, cohesive fightong force. If you currently run one, I would love to hear how you're doing with it and how YOU play it. I imagine it would be 2-1 Glaceon, 2-2/1 Leafeon, and 2-3 Raichus.
Glaceon/Leafeon Now, let's be clear here, from the beginning. This deck is NOT Eeveelutions, or at least not what I'm using as the definition of Eeveelutions in this article, which would be an Eevee deck that play 4+ evolved forms. In this deck you are combining the strengths of Glaceon/Leafeon,maybe with an Espeon in there also, to build energy quick and negate the opponent's Powers. This deck covers it's Weaknesses well, and is a great mid-game power, when you see both versions of Eevee powered up. The early Avalanching will help give knock outs to Verdant Dance or Leaf Guard (you WILL need the holo-Leafeon here, sorry). The deck is so fast because of it's whole one root, two leaves style (this seems to be doing exceptionally well, what with GG and Bellosom/Vileplume), and Eevees ability to flood the bench with it's self. All in all, a build that is moderate in strength but seems to just wrack up advantage through its' Poke-Powers. I would say 2-3/1 Glaceon, and 2-3/1-2 Leafeon here.
Glaceon/Cresselia I particularly like this deck, because it involves two pokemon that people questioned whether they would recieve serious play when they came out. I also like the idea of a powerful, protected Glaceon sweeping the field, and then Moon Skipping the Avalanched pokemon for two prizes each. While I know these two Pokemon seem fragile, and truly they are, they are also two of the most feared early game and late game Pokemon. Cresselia can give you a Stadium, two prizes against a weakened pokemon, a fully healed Glaceon, and the ability to manipulate damage counters. Glaceon can cut out the opponent's Poke-Powers, hit for 70 and a possible 20 to the bench, and have neat small attcks dependingon the Glaceon you're using. Together, they form a deck that seems to sneak away with wins. Cresselia at 2-2, and Glaceon at 3-1/2-2, depending on the style and if Espeon is used.
Gyarados The T2 Gyarados is has been burning through the competition in many a Battle Roads. The deck seems to be able to deal massive amounts of damage out of virtually nowhere, and is streamlined to provide a neverending string of Gyarados. If you can't OHKO it, you're gonna be in trouble. This thing is a tank. You'll rarely use the ACTUAL Gyarados attack, but if you do, even IT can get rididculous quick. Combined with the self-damaging Unowns, you can dial in the damage you need to do while using Unown ! to possible snipe the bench, softening up larger targets for a Gyarados. If you've never played against it, you'll leave the table suprised at how much damage this supposedly rogue deck can dish out. O-course, in here there be 4 Gyarados.
Poliwrath An random deck to be sure, Poliwrath is really more of a Wrath-centered Poliwrath-Politoed deck. The deck is focused on a quick Poliwrath, and then a rush to get a Politoed, a Poliwag, and the Poliwhirl. When deck achieves this early game, it's basically just give me 3-4-5 prizes and I'll knock out my 'Wrath. When that happens, usually a second 'Wrath is not far behind and that one seals the deal. The deck is as hard to work as it is explosive though, and you need alot of practice (and Night Maintenances) to really figure out how to get the Polis all out, when to drop the 'Toed, and how to close the game. But it certainly is worth the effort, in both deck power and the fun you'll have playing this. 2-3/2-3 for the Poliwrath and Politoed. Usually 3 'Wrath, though.
Kyogre/Kingdra Two big freakin' water pokemon slapping for 60 and 20s to the bench. What could be better? What if they had an underlying speed/graveyard manipulation element going on? This pretty much sums up Kyogre/Kingdra! The deck can use either to start with, as they both power up quick. Dropm some Claydols down, and go to town! The deck revolves around the ability to discard energy and then flow it back into the deck with Kingdra's first attack. It seriously can seem like it's just 8-7 Kingdras sometimes. They both share each other's bench nuking abilities also, so cutting down threats before their prime is easy here. A real threat for this upcoming season. If you're wondering, I posted this here because in this deck Kingdra doesn't actually have top billing, so it's not really a variant, and because this is the MAIN build Kingdra is played in, as opposed to IT'S variant, right below. The norm is 3-4 Kyogre (I'd lean on the 4 side for a greater start) and 3-4 Kingdra.
Kyogre/Togekiss If there is a deck in DP-On that can flop as much energy down as this thing can in a turn, you'd be hard pressed to find it. Playing a large amount of water energy (and Night Maintenances), this deck powers up it's Kyogres FAST!!!!! Using the attack and Togekiss, the Kyogres can keep hitting the opponent, ripping up their bench and providing quick KO's too sny Poke that can't take the rising waters. In the end, a Togekiss can seal the game if it has to with it's healing attack against the last throng of heavily damaged pokes. This deck is so rogue that not many people see the deck coming until their completely runover by it's energy acceleration and outstanding bench hitting. It's kind of a sleeper hit. It's 3-4 for both of them (it NEEDS to be consistent).
ELECTRIC Luxray Really I don't understand this deck at all! Why power up the Luxray just to have to give all that energy to something on the Bench!??!....OH, right, they were playing the GOOD Luxray, the one with all that LV.X Rivalry stuff. This Gleaming Lion of a Pokemon is a god-send in this format run amok with LV. Xs. Fast to get going and even faster to hand out beatdowns, Luxray is a killer of a Pokemon with the ability to dispose of practically ANY Pokemn played now-a-days. The water pokemon fear Luxray because of their Weakness, and the LV. Xs fear Luxray because of his ability to make it SEEM like they have a Weakness to Electric. And Palkia LV.X commits suicide of there is a Luxray within ten feet of it. But seriously, this is a TRULY hard-hitting Pokemon with the ability to charge fast (PLAY A NON-ELECTRIC ON IT) and bring quick knockouts. You'll want 4 of the star in here.
Luxray/Electivire This combination is commonly seen, and has produced some fantastic results. This Stage 2 and Stage 1 seem to fit with each other in a typical Electric pokemon format: The Discarder, and the Scavenger, basically, one discarding, and the other feasting on the dead energy. The THING here is, though, both have BOTH roles. So, either Pokemon provides a great start. Luxray can gather energy as a Shinx, attack for more energy or good damage as a Luxray or Luxio, and then dominate as the three energy Luxray. Electivire can deliver an average of 80 every two turns, while (with the LV. X) punishing your opponent for energizing or playing a Stadium.This deck is a super-charged blend of two supporting Pokemon who know how to recycle. The damage this deck can deal on AVERAGE is amazing. The typic is 3-4 Luxray, 2-3/1 on the Electivire.
Luxray/Bronzong The second variant we'll look at it is Luxray Bronzong. These two Pokemon seem to have very little and common, and they do. One's a spreader extraordanaire, the other's a lone lion with strong Active-damaging attacks. But, the combination is in the contrast. Bronzong damaging or KO-ing Pokemon with Poke-powers on the opponent's side sets up easy KOs for Luxray, who just has to line 'em up, and KO 'em down. It's pretty simple, really. The idea is just that Bronzong will soften uo threats so your Lions don't have to take chances. That's it. Another thing to mention is that with Bronzong's free attack you can focus on powering the Luxray. The usual here is 3-4 Luxray, 2-3 Bronzong.
Luxray/Electivire/Magnezone ........WOOW!!! I'm gonna be honest here..this deck can be completely BONKERS...wow. Hanyways, this build is an advantage HOG! Free retreat, Poke-Power Energy manipulation combs, a POWERFUL attacker that can recharge EVERY turn, the ability to followup Cyber Shocks with Cyber Shocks. You better hope the opponent is getting horrible hands against this one, because if it gets going, YYOOOOUU get going out the door. Slower, but still with a capability of being insanely fast, the deck is a sweet mixture of the best Electric/Metal has to offer! Lines here can vary so much that no deck really has a set infrastructure that is stronger than the others.
Electivire/Ampharos Playing against this deck is like being punished for playing the game. With a combination of Ampharos and Electivire LV. X, just for playing doing something like playing Roseanne's for energy to give to your attacker will cost all your Pokemon 10 HP, and the attacker 30. This deck is another interchangeable starting pokemon build that can deal a consistent 70 damage to the opponent by turn three. Electivire can feed off the Ampharos, and the Ampaharos makes the 'Vire that much dangerous with it's Poke-Body. This deck really just wants to hit hard, and it can do that. You want 3/1 for Electivire and 3-4 for Ampharos.
Ampharos/Magnezone/Palkia Basically just one of the decks abusing the Magnezone/Palkia combo, this deck THRIVES on Poke-Power. With the little combo running, You can drag up the worst possible active for your opponent, and continue to fry bench with the Ampharos' attack and Poke-Power. The deck aims to do this as much as it can, but can switch to the Magnezone as an attacker if needed. YES, it takes alot to set up, but this deck is SO controlling and frustrating to play against that all the setup time is worth it. I would say the average is 2-1 Magnezone, 3-4 Ampharos, and 2-2 or 1-1 Palkia here. |
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